

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.5-水-A2
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:謝淑秋
  • 研究人員:陳鴻議、林志訓、黃致中、劉君誠

文蛤是台灣地區重要的養殖貝類之一,惟近年來因文蛤養殖環境劣化、養殖品種種 質衰退、抗逆境能力下降,導致成長緩慢、體型變小及產生局部或大規模暴斃現象 ,因此,提昇文蛤在養殖環境下的存活率與耐受能力是目前貝類養殖上的當務之急 。本研究目的為:(1)建立文蛤品種鑑別方法,以利後續之保種、育種的工作,有助 於生長快速、抗逆境強文蛤養殖品系之培育。(2)建立快速評估文蛤抗逆境及免疫力 的方法,以探討環境因子對貝類免疫的影響。 以流式細胞儀檢測溫度與鹽度緊迫環境對於文蛤免疫的影響,結果顯示,文蛤的血 淋巴球在高溫 (38°C) 及低溫 (18°C) 的 48 小時其細胞死亡率增加,吞噬作用能 力及活性氧分子活性則隨著溫度上升或下降而降低。文蛤的血淋巴球隨著鹽度的下 降在 24 小時其細胞死亡率增加,吞噬作用能力及活性氧分子活性則隨著鹽度下降 而降低。在本次的溫度與鹽度緊迫實驗中沒有文蛤死亡,但在高溫 (38°C)、低溫 (18°C) 及低鹽緊迫下都會使得文蛤相關免疫指標被誘導。


The hard clam is an important aquaculture practice in Taiwan. However, in recent years, due to the deterioration of culture environment, the decline of hard clam germplsm resources  and the reduction of resistance to stress, the cultured hard clam has led to slow growth, small body size and local or large-scale death phenomenon. It is an urgent task in hard clam culture to improve the survival rate and tolerance of the culture environment. The purpose of this study is to: (1) Establish a method for identifying hard clam variety, in order to facilitate the subsequent conservation and breeding work, and contribute to the cultivation of fast-growing, stress-resistant species. (2) Establish a rapid assessment method for stress-tolerance and immunity in hard clam to explore the effects of environmental factors on hard clam immunity.

Flow cytometry was used to detect the impact of temperature and salinity on the immunity of clams. The results showed that the mortality of blood cells increased at high temperature (38°C) and low temperature (18°C) for 48 hours. Phagocytic capacities  and xoidative metabolism of hemocytes  decreased at the extreme temperature and low salinity. However, no clams died in the experiment, but the high temperature (38°C), low temperature (18°C) and low salinity stress could stimulate the relevant immune activity of the hard clam.