

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.5-水-A5
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:謝易叡

本研究為使用不同養殖條件於東部地區進行文蛤養殖並比較文蛤成長效果。試驗一 以不同的底沙厚度(10公分至40公分)進行文蛤飼養,結果顯示,在文蛤重量、殼長 等成長指標上並無顯著不同(重量:40公分:1.884±0.315g;30公分 :1.787±0.372g;20公分:1.743±0.383g;10公分:1.787±0.247g),存活率也十分 接近(40公分:64%;30公分:60%;20公分:58%;10公分:62%),因此推測在適當 養殖時間及條件下,底沙厚度達10公分以上即不會影響文蛤生長之狀況。而試驗二 則採用不同養殖密度(50-150萬粒/公頃,相當於50-150粒/m2 )進行畜養,在文蛤成長 方面,結果顯示重量、殼長、殼寬及殼高均以50及75粒/m2較佳,存活率也十分相近 (50粒/m2:94%、75粒/m2:91%、100粒/m2:91.5%、125粒/m2:97%、150粒/m2 :95%),而肥滿度介於6.0-6.6%間,各組間並無顯著差異。整體而言,東部地區以 較低密度進行飼養可以獲得較佳的成長效果。


In this study, we used different conditions on clam farming in eastern region and compared the growth effects of clams. In experiment I, we applied bottom sand of different thicknesses (10 cm to 40 cm), and the results showed that there was no significant difference in growth indicators such as weight and shell length of the clams (weight: 40 cm: 1.884±0.315g; 30 cm: 1.787±0.372g; 20 cm: 1.743±0.383g; 10 cm: 1.787±0.247g); the survival rates were also close (40 cm: 64%; 30 cm: 60%; 20 cm: 58%; 10 cm: 62%). Therefore, we presumed that if the bottom sand thickness is more than 10 cm , it will not affect the growth of clams under appropriate conditions. In experiment II, we applied different farming density (500,000-1,500,000 clams/ha, equivalent to 50- 150 clams/m2 ). In terms of clam growth, the results showed that the weight, shell length, shell width and shell height are better at 50 and 75 clams/m2 , and the survival rates were very similar(50 clams/m2 : 94%, 75 clams/m2 : 91%, 100 clams/m2 : 91.5%, 125 clams/m2 : 97%, 150 clams/m2 : 95%). Condition index(CI) of clam was between 6.0 to 6.6%, also there was no significant different among groups. Overall, low-density aquaculture can achieve better growth results in eastern of Taiwan