

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.6-水-A2
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳玉萍
  • 研究人員:李沛珊

本年度研究石蓴、長莖葡萄蕨藻、葡萄藻、海木耳及鋸齒麒麟菜等5種藻類分別使用 熱水及高溫高壓方式進行萃取得到藻類粗萃取液,再進行總醣、總酚含量、抗氧化 活性及抗菌活性分析。總醣與總酚含量皆以海木耳各組別有最佳含量。抗氧化活性 也是以海木耳有最佳活性。海木耳於2月不論是熱水萃取或是高溫高壓萃取組別在總 酚含量、還原力、螯合亞鐵能力皆是高於其他季節,其他則無季節性明顯趨勢。另 進行抗菌活性分析,所有藻類萃取物組別皆對溶藻弧菌有抑菌圈產生,副溶血弧菌 則以石蓴各組別皆有抑菌圈產生。因此,未來可使用經高溫高壓方式萃取之海木耳 粗萃取液,進一步探討是否可以有效提升白蝦免疫力。


In this study, we studied 5 kinds of algae using hot water and high temperature and high pressure to extract the crude algae extract by Ulva lactuca , Caulerpa lentillifera, Botryocladia leptopoda, Sarcodia montagneana and Eucheuma serra. The algae extracts was analyzed for total sugar, total phenols content, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity. The content of total sugar and total phenols are the best content in each group of Sarcodia montagneana. The antioxidant activity is also the best activity of Sarcodia montagneana. The algae extracts by high temperature and high pressure is better than hot water extraction of total sugar content, total phenols content, reducing power content and capacity to scavenge superoxide anion.The sea fungus group collected in February has higher total phenol content, reducing power, and chelating capacity of ferrous iron than other seasons. In addition, the results of antimicrobial activity showed that all groups of algae extracts had inhibition zone against of Vibrio alginolyticus. All groups of Ulva lactuca have an inhibition zone against of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Therefore, the crude extract of Sarcodia montagneana extracted by high temperature and high pressure can be used in the future to further explore whether it can effectively enhance the immunity of white shrimp.