

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.7-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱永桐
  • 研究人員:葉信利、張丁仁、吳承憬、黃政軒、邱沛盛、劉于溶

在人工育苗條件下, 對午仔魚Eleutheronema tetradactylum 早期發育的形態及生 長特性進行了初步觀察和育苗生產研究。午仔魚初孵仔魚全長為1.3-1.35 mm, 在培 育水溫為30℃、鹽度為35 的條件下,第3天開口, 第3天卵黃囊完全被吸收,可開始攝 食; 初孵仔魚~ 13 dah為仔魚期, 14 ~36 dah為稚魚期, 之後轉為幼魚期。生仔魚 培育過程中, 個體生長速度存在明顯差異,。因此, 在仔魚培育生產過程中要注意足 量投餵適口餌料生物, 以減少個體間的相互殘殺。 本年度共進行四次育苗生產試驗。育成白身苗尾數分別約為12萬、3萬、1.2萬及8萬 尾,估算育苗率分別為40%、4.5%、12%及31%。所生產魚苗經檢測分析均未受虹彩病 毒(iridovirus, Irido-M、Irido-RG)、神經壞死病毒(nervous necrosis virus, NNV)、鏈球菌(streptococcus, S. agalactiae、S. iniae)、弧菌(vibrio, V. fluvialis、V. harveyi)等感染。本計畫之初步結果認為育苗的技術關鍵在於如何 培育大量優質的餌料生物供應及預防控制魚苗殘食和魚苗搬運


Under artificial breeding conditions, the early developmental morphology and growth characteristics of Eleutheronema tetradactylum larvae were preliminarily observed and researched on breeding production. The total length of the newly hatched larvae is 1.3-1.35 mm. Under the conditions of culture water temperature of 30℃ and salinity of 35 psu, the mouth opens on the third day, and the yolk sac is completely absorbed on the third day and can start to eat; 13 dah is the larval stage, 14-36 dah is the juvenile stage, and then the juvenile stage. During the breeding process of larviculture, there are obvious differences in the individual growth rate. Therefore, in the process of larval production, care should be taken to feed palatable food organisms in sufficient quantities to reduce cannibalism among individuals. Four seed production trials were carried out this year. The number of juvenile is about 120,000, 30,000, 12,000 and 80,000, respectively. The estimated breeding rate is 40%, 4.5%, 12% and 31%. The fry produced was tested and analyzed without being infected by iridovirus (Iridovirus, Irido-M, Irido-RG), nervous necrosis virus (NNV), streptococcus (streptococcus, S. agalactiae, S. iniae), Vibrio (vibrio, V. fluvialis, V. harveyi) . The preliminary results of this project show that the key technology of seed production lies in how to cultivate a large scale of high-quality living food and prevent cannibalism and the transport successfully.