

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-9.5.7-水-A5
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:陳陽德
  • 研究人員:周芷儀、許自研、王淑欣、王鐘慶

減少餌料生物的病原帶原量,可以有效減少魚苗疾病的發生。本研究主要探討餌料 生物的除菌方法,比較優碘、二氧化氯,大蒜、五倍子,安莫西林與羥四環黴素除 菌對於S型輪蟲與短角異劍水蚤的優劣。考量24小時活存率與一周增值率的差異,優 碘、大蒜、五倍子,安莫西林與羥四環黴素的安全濃度(90%活存率)分別為10、 100、50、250、500ppm,而S型輪蟲與短角異劍水蚤對於二氧化氯非常敏感,並不適 用於消毒。後續比較對於午仔魚常見的三種病原菌(溶藻弧菌、副溶血弧菌、瓶鼻海 豚鏈球菌)的抑制能力,以羥四環黴素100ppm為餌料生物除菌最佳選擇。我們進行東 港生技研究中心保種餌料生物除菌測試,成功純化9株無感染弧菌與鏈球菌的輪蟲 ,並推廣業界使用。


  Reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms carried by living feed can effectively reduce the occurrence of aquatic fry diseases. In this study, We evaluated the impact of six disinfectants on S-type rotifer, Brachionus rotundiformis, and the cyclopoid copepod, Apocyclops royi. Consider the 24-hours survival rate and the one-week population growth rate, the safe concentrations of povidone iodine, garlic, gallnut, amoxicillin and oxytetracycline are 10, 100, 50, 250, and 500 ppm for living feed disinfection. Chlorine dioxide is a bad disinfectant, because B. rotundiformis and A. royi are extremely sensitive to chlorine dioxide. After assessing the inhibitory effect of three common pathogens (Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Streptococcus iniae) of fourfinger threadfin, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, 100 ppm oxytetracycline is the best choice for living feed disinfection. We carried out the disinfection of the living feed reserved by Tungkang biotechnology research center, and successfully purified 9 strains of rotifers not infected with Vibrio spp. and Streptococcus spp.. We also promte them to the aquaculture industry.