

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-13.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:因應食安五環建構校園午餐之農安監控及供應體系
  • 主持人:郭科良

本試驗建立水產品鎵、銦、鉬鎢檢測方法,並依照衛生福利部食品藥物管理署公告 之「食品化學檢驗方法之確效規範」進行方法確效,檢量線、最低定量極限、精密 度、中間精密度、準確性等評估之確效步驟,以驗證本分析方法可作為水產品銦、 鎵、鉬等檢驗方法。分析採集自試驗池各類之水產品共計50件樣品,各類重金屬含 量,鉛、鎘、汞,平均含量分別為ND-0.37、ND-0.17和ND-0.01 mg/kg,另銦、鎵及 鉬則為未檢出。將所採集之水產品經風險評估皆符合安全範圍,雖部分水產品仍有 少量重金屬存在,但只要透過均衡飲食,即可避免攝食過量的有害重金屬。


The study aimed to develop Ga, In, and Mo analysis methods in aquatic animals. Several criteria such as linearity, limits of quantification (LOQ), specificity, precision and accuracy were evaluated. Results indicate that this method could be used for the routine determination of Ga, In, and Mo in aquatic animals. A total of 50 samples of various types of aquatic products collected from the test pool were analyzed. The average content of testing heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, were ND-0.37, ND-0.17, and ND-0.01 mg/kg. In addition, indium, gallium and Molybdenum were not detected. By the risk assessment, it shows that the amount of heavy metals in aquatic animals all meet the safety range. Although some aquatic products still have a small amount of heavy metals, but as long as a balanced diet is used, excessive intake of harmful heavy metals can be avoided.