

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-15.2.2-水-A2(2)
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:農業資源循環產業創新
  • 主持人:黃侑勖
  • 研究人員:陳玉萍、李沛珊

本年度先以牙鮃、石蓴、白蝦及滸苔等4種高經濟水產養殖生物進行複合式生產養殖 試驗,結果顯示試驗進行6週後,就增重率(%)的部分,以牙鮃、石蓴1000g/m2組、白 蝦成長效果均為系統試驗組成長效果優於對照組,但未達顯著差異;試驗二以不同 光照度探討對冷水性魚類及藻類複合式養殖成長表現之影響,結果顯示牙鮃以 Shade50該組末重較其他兩組為佳,增重率(WG%)以及每日成長率(SGR%)均有相同趨 勢,且顯著優於Shade0及Shade90組;白蝦以Shade0及Shade50兩組末重顯著較 Shade90組為佳;長莖葡萄蕨藻密度為500g/m2,以Shade50組,4周重、8周重、末重 、增重率以及每日成長率(SGR%)均顯著優於其他各組;葡萄藻則密度為500g/m2,以 Shade0組增重率以及每日成長率(SGR%)顯著優於其他各組數據。

    節水效益部分,以本次試驗養殖設施水體大小為例,養殖池每池水體約為4噸 (2.8m*2.3m*0.65m),以4池串連為一組養殖系統,水交換率為每日4次,即每日需 要用水4*4=16噸/日,而未利用本養殖系統之相同水體之單獨養殖用水量將為 4*4*4=64噸/日,因此應用本系統進行高經濟價值之魚類及大型藻類複合式養殖,每 日將可節省48噸之海水用量,亦即可達最高75%之節水效率。


In this project, we build up the ecological aquaculture system to cultivate Paralichthys olivaceus、Ulva lactuca、Caulerpa lentillifera、 Ulva linza、Litopenaeus vannamei and Botryocladia leptopoda. According to the results of experiment 1, the growth performance of Paralichthys olivaceus demonstrate that there is no significant difference between groups. The growth performance of Ulva lactuca, the group 1000g/m2 demonstrate that the weight gain rate of experiment group was  better than the weight gain rate of control group. The growth performance of Litopenaeus vannamei, the weight gain rate of experiment group was better than the weight gain rate of control group.

In the experiment 2, we add light intensity as an experimental factor. According to the results of the weight gain rate, Paralichthys olivaceus demonstrate that the group Shade50 was better than the values of group Shade0 and Shade90. Litopenaeus vannamei, the weight gain rate of Shade0 and Shade50 were better than the values of group Shade90. The weight gain rate of Caulerpa lentillifera, group Shade50, 500g/m2 was better than the values of other groups. The weight gain rate of Botryocladia leptopoda, group NET0, 500g/m2 was better than the values of other groups.

On the other hand, the benefit of water saving, take this experiment as an example, the water volume of the aquaculture facility was 4 ton per pond (2.8m*2.3m*0.65m). We compose 4 ponds as an group, and change the water 4 times per day, it means that each group needs 16(4 ton *4 times) tons of water per day. If cultivate without the system, but cultivate same species and using the same size of aquaculture facilities, the water consumption will be 64 (4 ponds*4 tons*4 times) tons per day. Therefore, cultivate with the ecological aquaculture system may saving 48 tons of water per day. It means the effectiveness of water saving can reach 75%.