

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-21.2.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:建構因應氣候變遷之韌性農業體系研究
  • 主持人:許嘉閔
  • 研究人員:劉恩良、李彥宏、黃侑勖

1.石斑魚試驗方面,預期引入冷水性高經濟價值石斑,並建立養殖技術,最終希望 建立雲紋石斑與臺灣目前養殖之鞍帶石斑、棕點石斑或點帶石斑之雜交技術,並生產具耐寒、成長迅速或抗病力高等特點之雜交石斑種苗,以利後續石斑魚養殖 推廣;本年度已完成收集雲紋石斑種原50尾並建立基因資料50筆,以及人工繁殖 試驗2次,收集授精率及孵化率等試驗數據可供石斑魚苗繁殖業者參考應用,並取 得雲紋X點帶雜交魚苗約100尾培育中,目前體長約15-20cm,體重約80-120g。

2.吳郭魚試驗方面,各組活存率為對照組:43.5%; 脂肪酸添加組:100%; 脂肪酸添加 維生素C組:92.6%。實驗組活存率高於對照組2倍以上。各組肌肉中含n3HUFA濃度 所佔分析總脂肪酸濃度之百分比: 對照組:7.93%;脂肪酸添加組:11.17%; 脂肪酸 添加維生素C組: 11.40%。藉由不飽和脂肪酸添加飼料投餵尼羅吳郭魚,可使低溫 下(9℃~10℃/6小時)吳郭魚活存率高於對照組2倍以上。魚肉中n3HUFA的佔比亦較 對照組高3%以上。

3.白蝦試驗方面,以本中心2種白蝦系群進行鹽度緊迫及緊迫後對哈維氏弧菌的攻毒 試驗。在鹽度緊迫方面,由30ppt下降至15ppt時,系群2白蝦存活率100%,系群 1白蝦存活率由處理後第1天的92%至第7天的85%。另外在鹽度緊迫後,對哈維氏弧 菌攻毒之白蝦存活率,系群2(17.5%)優於系群1(6%),此試驗結果顯示,透過白蝦選育,可增加白蝦對緊迫及弧菌的抗性,若長期進行選育工作,將可緩解白蝦養 殖產業困境。

4.文蛤試驗方面,為模擬強降雨文蛤池鹽度驟降後,夏季高水溫差7°C (28-35°C彰 化實測)之逆境試驗,分次以養殖(300粒/斤)及野採文蛤(15-30粒/斤) 於32 ppt海水(控制組)馴養一週後,降至16、8、4 ppt各3重複,維持一週鹽度與上述 高溫差,結果顯示養殖文蛤在鹽度4 ppt一週後死亡率高達95 %、8 ppt達20 %,顯著高於控制組32 ppt之3.3 %及16 ppt之1.7 %。野採文蛤在鹽度4 ppt一週 後死亡率為23.3 %、8 ppt為16.7 %、16 ppt為10%、32 ppt為3.3 %。試驗測得模 擬強降雨後恢復夏季高溫氣候型態一週後之文蛤致死鹽度條件,提高說服養殖漁 民藉由養殖管理來控制溫度和鹽度的重要性。此文蛤養殖示範性物聯網設備,吸 引周邊養殖戶採用意願,已獲得智慧養殖設備補助,投入科學化養殖管理模式。


1.In the grouper test, In this study we want to collect the Epinephelus moara which is valuable grouper strain, and to establish the breeding technique. In the end, we wish we can set up the cross breeding technology of Epinephelus moara, Epinephelus lanceolatus Epinephelus fuscoguttatus and Epinephelus coioides, and to produce the hybrid strain that can tolerate lower temperatures, fast growing or disease resistant grouper fry, to promote the grouper culture. In this year, we’ve collected 50 Epinephelus moara, 50 genetic data and performed cross breeding experiment for 2 times. We collected the insemination rate and hatching rate of cross breeding experiment, application for grouper farming industry. We have 100 grouper fry of Epinephelus moara and Epinephelus coioides currently in breeding, the average body length of fry is about 15-20cm, the average body weight of fry is about 80-120g.

2.In the tilapia test, the survival rate of each group was 43.5% (control group:) ,100% (the fatty acid supplemented group), 92.6% (fatty acid supplemented vitamin C group). The survival rate of the experimental group was more than 2 times higher than that of the control group. The percentage of the concentration of n3HUFA in the muscles of each group as a percentage of the analyzed total fatty acid concentration: control group: 7.93%; fatty acid supplemented group: 11.17%; fatty acid supplemented vitamin C group: 11.40%. Feeding tilapia fish with unsaturated fatty acid feed can make the survival rate of tilapia fish under low temperature (9℃~10℃/6 hours) higher than that of the control group by more than 2 times. The proportion of n3HUFA in fish is also more than 3% higher than that in the control group.

3.In the white shrimp test, the salty stress and challenge of Vibrio Harvey was carried out in 2 white shrimp family line in the Tungkang Biotechnology Center. In terms of salinity stress, when the salinity was reduced from 30 ppt to 15 ppt, the survival rate of syndicate 2 white shrimp was 100%, and the survival rate of syndicate 1 white shrimp was 92% to 85% on the 7th day after treatment. In addition, after the urgency of salinity, the survival rate of the white shrimp attacked by Vibrio Harvey, the group 2 (17.5%) is better than the group 1 (6%). Results show that the selective breeding of white shrimp can increase the resistance of salinity stress and vibrio challenge. It will alleviate the plight of the white shrimp farming industry.

4.In the clam test, to simulate the double stresses test with high water temperature difference of 7°C (measured at 28-35°C in Changhua) after the salinity of the clam pond dropped sharply during heavy rainfall in summer. Cultured clams (300 clams/600g) and field-collected clams (15- 30 clams/600g) after being acclimatized in 32 ppt seawater (control group) for one week, seawater salinity were dropped to 16, 8, and 4 ppt each for 3 repeats. The salinity was maintained for a week with the above-mentioned high temperature difference. One week later, results showed that the mortality rate of cultured clams held in salinity 4 ppt was as high as 95% and 8 ppt was 20%, which was significantly higher than the control group's 3.3% of 32 ppt and 1.7% of 16 ppt. The mortality rate of field-collected clams after a week of salinity of 4 ppt was 23.3%, 8 ppt was 16.7%, 16 ppt was 10%, and 32 ppt was 3.3%. The experiment measured the lethal salinity conditions of clams after a week of simulating heavy rainfall and restored the summer high temperature climate pattern, which increased the importance of clam farmers to control temperature and salinity through breeding management. Demonstrative IOT (Internet of Things) equipment for clam farming has attracted the willingness of surrounding farmers to adopt it. They has received subsidies for smart farming equipment and invested in a scientific farming management model.