

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-21.3.2-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:建構因應氣候變遷之韌性農業體系研究
  • 主持人:張致銜
  • 研究人員:陳郁凱、賴繼昌、黃建智、黃星翰、何珈欣、余淑楓

烏魚(Mugil cephalus)在冬季時會隨著大陸沿岸流南下洄游產卵,然而長期捕撈和 氣候變遷等因素,導致漁獲量自1980年代全盛時期持續減少,近二十年來之年間漁 獲量更呈現大幅震盪現象。本研究解析自2011年以來烏魚漁獲查報資料及2015至 2019年冬季海表面溫度月均溫資料,結果顯示自2012年起烏魚資源量有逐步回升之 趨勢,而主要烏魚捕撈作業漁法為流刺網,其次為巾著網與扒網。另一方面 ,2015至2019年間冬季臺灣海峽海表水溫21°C等溫線形成相對適合的烏魚產卵洄游 環境,然而烏魚主要漁獲位置有逐年北移的趨勢。另一方面,本年度完成基礎烏魚 漁海況速報模式及知識平臺建置規劃,包含架構、內容、功能屬性、層次、建置期 程,速報發布模式。主架構運用水試所官網下,即時發布管道將運用網頁、行動即 時通訊及傳真,並持續調整適當運作模式。


Grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) usually migrate southward along the China Coastal Current to Taiwan for spawning in winter. However, the long-term fishing and climate change have led to a continuous decline in catches since from the 1980s. The average annual catches had also shown a sharp fluctuation in the past two decades. This study analyzes the data of mullet catches since 2011 and the monthly average sea surface temperature data from 2015 to 2019. The results display that the grey mullet resources had gradually recovered since 2012. The grey mullet fishing method most used drift gillnets, and others included ringnets and lampara net. The 21°C isotherm display the suitable spawning migration condition for the grey mullet in the Taiwan Strait in the winter of 2015 to 2019. The fishing ground of grey mullet had a tendency to move northward year by year. On the other hand, there were completed the basic grey mullet fishing and sea condition quick report model and the knowledge platform construction plan, including structure, content, functional attributes, levels, construction schedule, and quick report release model. The realtime release channel will use the official website of Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), mobile messaging and fax.