

  • 日期:110-08-02
  • 計畫編號:109農科-24.2.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2020
  • 領域:建構生醫產業動物替代體系及開發關鍵技術
  • 主持人:黃淑敏

由於全球魚類養殖業的快速發展以及相關養殖魚類的基礎研究之快速增長,此外 ,魚類越來越多地被用於作為替代哺乳動物模型生物之基礎研究應用,以及作為化 學品測試之實驗模型。這計畫為自吳郭魚(Oreochromis niloticus)的鰭細胞分離 與馴化建立新的TF細胞,作為體外試驗的細胞模型。 從形態上發現,TF細胞是類纖 維樣之細胞,能夠在25℃和28℃的溫度下生長,在28℃時有更高的生長速率。 最大 生長發生在FBS濃度為20%時,並表現出優於15%的情況。此外,對魚類組織學的研究 可以為魚類生理學和病理學提供基礎的研究背景。 在這項研究中,描述了斑馬魚、 羅漢魚與吳郭魚的組織細胞之結構和器官,此結果對於獸醫專業學生以及魚類科學 之研究人員和生物學家都有學習上幫助。


The use of fish in scientific research is increasing worldwide, due to both the rapid expansion of the fish farming industry and growing awareness of questions concerning the humane use of fish models in basic research and chemical testing. This studying establishment of TF cell was developed from the fin and gillus tissue of the Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a cell model for in-vitro test, respectively. Morphologically, the TF cell was comprised fibroblast-like cells and was able to grow at temperatures at 25℃ and 28℃, and the higher growth occurred at 28℃. The maximum growth occurred at a concentration of 20% FBS and exhibited better than 15%. It is recognized that a study of fish histology can provide a unifying back-ground to physiology and pathology. In this studying, the structure of tisue and organs of teleosts is described seeming to be helpful for both veterinary medical students and those intested in researchers, biologists in fish sciences.