

  • 日期:111-10-20
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.5-水-A2(1)
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:朱永桐
  • 研究人員:葉信利、邱沛盛、張丁仁、吳承憬、黃政軒、張哲誠

本計劃以電解海水對育苗環境中的水、魚卵及餌料生物進行消毒評估試驗。所生產的電解海水餘氯濃度在0.3ppm對一般水生菌具有95.2%的殺菌效果,對弧菌則有100%的殺菌率。電解海水對午仔魚常見病原菌中的美人發光桿菌(Photobacterium damselae subup. damselae)0.2 ppm有89%的殺菌率,對哈維氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)有98.7 %的殺菌率,對海豚鏈球菌(streptococcus iniae)0.2ppm有99 %的殺菌率。電解海水對午仔魚卵的孵化試驗,結果顯示餘氯濃度0.6 ppm以下各組與對照組間無顯著差異,孵化率在84.67~94.67 %之間,1.0 ppm則顯著下降為13.33 %;所孵出的魚花在外觀型態上,在0.8ppm以上畸形個體則有顯著的增加。另外,亦針對午仔魚育苗的主要餌料生物--輪蟲,進行輪蟲對電解水的耐性實驗,結果顯示0.6 ppm以下各組活存與對照組沒有顯著差異。綜上,電解水應用於午仔魚健康魚苗生產,建議電解海水餘氯濃度在0.3~0.6ppm為適合濃度。本年度共進行三次育苗生產試驗。育成白身苗尾數分別約為4.1萬、5.2萬、4.6萬,估算育苗率分別為5.5%、7.2%、15.3%。所生產魚苗經全自動核酸分析儀進行檢測分析,結果均未受虹彩病毒(iridovirus, Irido-M、Irido-RG)、神經壞死病毒(nervous necrosis virus, NNV)、發光桿菌(Photobacterium damselae subup. damselae)、鏈球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae、S. iniae)、弧菌(Vibrio fluvialis、V. harveyi)等感染。


This plan uses electrolyzed seawater to conduct disinfection evaluation tests on the water, fish eggs and bait organisms in the nursery environment. The produced electrolyzed seawater with a free chlorine concentration of 0.3ppm has a 95.2% sterilization effect on general aquatic bacteria, and a 100% sterilization rate on Vibrio. Electrolyzed seawater has a bactericidal rate of 89% against Photobacterium damselae subup. damselae (Photobacterium damselae subup. streptococcus iniae) 0.2ppm has a bactericidal rate of 99%. The incubation test of eggs with electrolyzed Eleutheronema etradactylum seawater showed that there was no significant difference between the groups with a residual chlorine concentration of less than 0.6 ppm. The hatching rate was between 84.67-94.67%, and 1.0 ppm was significantly reduced to 13.33%. In the observation of the hatched larvae, the deformity rate above 0.8 ppm has a significant increase. In addition, rotifers, the main living food in the process of larval rearing, were tested on the tolerance of rotifers to electrolyzed water. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups below 0.6 ppm and the control group. In summary, electrolyzed water is used in the production of healthy fry of noon larvae. It is recommended that the concentration of residual chlorine in electrolyzed seawater is 0.3~0.6ppm as the appropriate concentration. Three seed production trials were carried out this year. The number of bred juvenile was approximately 41,000, 52,000, and 46,000 respectively, and the estimated seedling rate was 5.5%, 7.2%, and 15.3%, respectively. The fry produced was tested and analyzed without being infected by iridovirus (Iridovirus, Irido-M, Irido-RG), nervous necrosis virus (NNV), Photobacterium (P. damselae subup.)、Streptococcus dmselae (S. agalactiae, S. iniae), Vibrio (V. fluvialis, V.harveyi )