

  • 日期:111-10-24
  • 計畫編號:110農科-6.2.5-水-A3
  • 年度:2021
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:謝淑秋
  • 研究人員:林志訓、劉于溶、黃致中

臺灣主要的經濟性養殖貝類為牡蠣、文蛤和蜆,一直以來,臺灣對貝類的食用需求量非常大,且有全年皆需要的特性,雖然臺灣的貝類養殖歷史悠久,但已進行人工繁養殖的海水及淡水貝類不到 10 種;除此之外,養殖貝類產量因受季節氣候變化或養殖管理失當的因素造成產量大幅波動影響養殖漁民之收益,因此,為了提供養殖漁民更多養殖貝類物種的選擇性,新興養殖貝類的開發是有其必要性。


The main economically shellfish aquaculture species are oysters (Grassostrea gigas ), hard clams (Meretrix  sp. ), freshwater clams (Corbicula fluminea ) in Taiwan . The people demand for shellfish to eat has been very large for a long time, and it has characteristics that are needed all year. Although it's a long history of shellfish culture, there are less than 10 species of seawater and freshwater shellfish that have been artificially cultured in Taiwan. In addition, the production of cultured shellfish is affected by seasonal changes or improper management, which causes large fluctuations in the output and affects the income of fish farmers. In order to provide more choices for cultured shellfish species to fish farmer, the development of new cultured shellfish is necessary.

Corbicula japonica is a bivalve that is widely distributed in salty lakes and estuaries and is often exposed to sudden changes in temperature and salinity. It is speculated that Corbicula japonica maybe can tolerant greater rang temperature and salinity. This project will study of the tolerance of temperature and salinity in Corbicula japonica . Evaluate the feasibility of Corbicula japonica as a new shellfish in mariculture.