

  • 日期:93-07-02
  • 年度:2003
  • 領域:自動化領域
  • 主持人:丁雲源

貝類種苗生產自動化之研發--牡蠣初期浮游苗自動培育技術之研發:牡蠣種苗量產所需之各不同種微細藻類,為確保有相當濃度且足夠藻水量,除在室內降溫培養外,亦需在室外用自然光以多口水泥池培養,為節省操作人力,培養用滅菌水注入及藻水收穫之輸水管需重新配置,裝設滿水關閉閥。研發簡易之高濃度藻水偵測器,以動力自動控制抽出收穫移入備用大型池。牡蠣浮游苗在室內池裝設網槽以流水式高密度培育,流水用及供水用管線需配合抽水機組裝,並研發較精密之低濃度藻水偵測器,以控制抽注入育苗槽之藻水在一定之濃度範圍內,滿足牡蠣浮游苗之餌料需求。自動化養蝦系統的應用研究-白蝦優良品系大量培育:以繄迫手法育成二品系抗低溶氧(ALDO)及抗桃拉病毒(AT)品系。先在室外水泥池育至35克體型大蝦,再移入自動化超集約循環養蝦中培育為種蝦並進行下列工作--(1)繁殖AT品系子代並加以育成,並選擇快速成長者(FG品系)加以培育至種蝦(ATFG品系)。(2)繁殖ALDO品系子代並加以育成,並選擇快速成長者(FG品系)加以培育至種蝦(ALDO-FG品系)。其間並進行抗低溶氧及桃拉病的耐性試驗及進行至少二種系統對大量培育種蝦的效果比較。建立高生殖力的白蝦種蝦室內大量培育技術.建立優良品系大量培育技術基礎資料,以帶動業者朝向品種改良的方向發展。室內箱網自動化養蝦:室內箱網養殖白蝦的技術改進:本年度實施工作:1、南水試2代多層箱網的設計及製作:箱網共六層,為可分解的單層箱網所疊成,面積1mx10x0.15m,深015m。2、南水試2代多層箱網的測試:(1)室內測試:在溫室中進行。利用40-T循環水池一口,內置水試2代及1代六層箱網,重複比較白蝦的成長及活存,放養密度為200尾/米平方。(2)室外測試:在0.1ha蝦池中進行,每噸水養殖1000尾白蝦。開發室內箱網自動投餌養蝦的技術,降低成本並提高單位面積產量.階段式自動化循環水白蝦養殖技術研發:本計畫目標為建立階段式自動化循環水白蝦養殖管理技術,以達經濟性工廠化養蝦。利用500 L將白蝦後期幼蟲蝦苗(PL3-5)養殖至0.2-0.5g後,利用4000L自清式循環水養殖槽,探討第二三段養至上市規格之養殖管理策略。從蝦體大小與投餵策略及鹽度、流速、遮避物、換水率等之關係尋求最適養殖條件;收穫前1-4週添加藻粉瞭解增加蝦體顏色效益;研發試驗堆疊盤式立體化養殖設備系統以增加單位面積產量。自動投餌系統與人工投餌對海鱺成長效果之比較:本計畫旨在建立市售飼料在自動投餌系統內所產生的各項物理性狀,以作為自動投餌系統改善及推廣之依據。


Mass-culture of microalgae will be conducted in outdoor 30-40 concrete tanks.Seawater for algae culture be sterilized by chlorine and be applied by pipe that itsterminal be set an auto-off water-valve controlled by water deep. A simple photo-senorswitch be modified and improved to control high-concentration algae be auto-harvestedby pump. The planktonic oyster larval be reared in indoor tanks that their interior behung an upside down pyramid-shaped frame plankton net for rearing water be in-outflowedby upwelling or down-sinking. A precise infrared-ray-senor switch be tested andre-equipped to detect low-concentration algae for auto-controlled applying D-stageoyster larval.Two strains of SPR adult white shrimp will be cultured through indoor ponds in a waterzero-exchanging system, the shrimp will be cultured outdoor to the size of 35 g thentransferred into the indoor system, and they will be cultured to broodstock size of 45 g.The adult shrimp will be used for reproduction and the offspring will be tested by lowDO and Taura virus challenge.This experiment will be done in water zero-exchanging systems,white shrimp with highstocking density will be culture in new type of heza-layer cage nets(TB on.2)and old typeof heza-layer cage nets(TB no.1)to compare the growth and survival. TB no.2 willalsobe tested in an outdoor pond 0.1ha.This project aims to develop the management and phased production of marine shrimpLitopenaeus vannamei in a recirculating system to establish a cost efficient industry forshrimp culture. Using 500L self-clean culture tanks, white shrimp Litopenaeusvannamei postlarvae (PL3-5) will be cultured to 0.2-0.5g for several batches. Then theexperiments will be conducted to find the optimum conditions for shrimps from 0.2-0.5ggrow to market size (about 10g) using 4000L tanks. The parameters tested includeshrimp size, stock density, hydraulic retention time, feed strategy, and vertical surfaceincrease. Algal dry power will be added before harvest to find its effect on the color ofshrimp. Stack of dish tanks culture system will be constructed and tested its possibility toincrease the productivity based on area.This project is aimed to improve the physic characters of fish feeds in automatic feedingsystem and the results can be used as improvement and extension of the automaticfeedinf system.