

  • 日期:98-04-17
  • 年度:2008
  • 領域:漁業領域
  • 主持人:許鐘鋼
  • 研究人員:許鐘鋼 涂嘉猷 蘇勰忠 黃金峰 陳岳川 蔡萬生

本(97)年度於2-4月份間,共計購買72尾野生豹鱠,平均體重3.10±0.71㎏,體重分佈介於1.2-4.7㎏,目前尚活存42尾(死亡30尾),活存率58.33%。6月11日進行催熟,6月14日首次發現交配產卵,產卵期從6月14日至10月28日,產卵期長達137日,產卵日68日。本年度總計產卵量共計18,808g(約3,761.6萬粒),其中上浮卵15,471g(82.26%)(約3,094.2萬粒),下沉卵3,337g(17.74%)(約667.4萬粒)。平均日產卵量為276.59±217.92g(約55.3萬粒),日產卵量最高1,100g(約220萬粒)。產卵期間養殖水溫範圍25.5-30.2℃。4個繁殖池中以編號M4池產卵數量18,424g(約3684.8萬粒)最多,佔總產卵量的97.96%,研判應與M4池中之種魚成熟度經過挑選有關。收集豹鱠受精卵飼養在2.5×2.5×1.2M海域箱網中,箱網網目為200 mesh,夜間以燈具誘集小型浮游動物為豹鱠魚苗之餌料生物。第3天再添加小型橈足類,豹鱠魚苗活存至第19天,體長約0.78㎝,可能因餌料不足而死亡,原因有待下年度持續探討。


Seventy-two Plectropomus leopardus were collected from the wild, from February to April in 2008. Average body weight was 3.10±0.71 kg, body weight range was 1.2-4.7kg, and survival rate was 58.33%. The experiment with HCG and LHRH-A2 injections was conducted on June 11 and we observed the first spawning on June 14 . Spawning period was from June 14 to October 28 and lasted 137 days , including 68 spawning days. The total egg weight was 18,808g(37,616,000 eggs),including the buoyant eggs(15,471g; 30,942,000 eggs)and the sinking eggs(3,337g; 6,674,000 eggs). Mean egg weight was 276.59±217.92g(553,000 eggs),and the highest number of daily spawning was 1,100g(2,200,000 eggs). During the period. the water temperature was 25.5-30.2℃. Maybe because the seeds in M4(18,424g; 36,848,000 eggs) were selected and mature enough, M4 was the most spawning pond. The larvae were fed with micro-zooplankton which we collected from the sea with lights at night ;on the third day after their hatching ,we added copepoda larvae to the food. The nursing cage was 2.5×2.5×1.2M in size and net mesh was 200. The larvae were alive till the 19th day, and the total body length was 0.78cm. It is necessary to find out the death of the larvae, and we guessed maybe they died from the insufficient food.