

  • 出版日期:108-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Dietary Protein Levels and Replacement of Fish Meal with Spirulina Powder on the Growth Performance of Girella (Girella mezina)
  • 作者:黃侑勖‧廖文亮‧何源興
  • 作者auther(英):You-Syu Huang, Wen-Liang Liao and Yuan-Shing Ho
  • 卷別:27
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:33-45

本研究分二部分,實驗一探討黃帶瓜子鱲 (Girella mezina) 最佳成長效果之飼料蛋白質含量。實驗二探討在飼料中添加螺旋藻粉作為取代魚粉蛋白質來源對黃帶瓜子鱲成長效果之影響。實驗一以初始體長4.16±0.72 cm、初始體重6.51±0.53 g之黃帶瓜子鱲,調整飼料中添加之魚粉量使飼料中粗蛋白含量分別為35%、40%、45%、50%,組別分別為CP35、CP40、CP45及CP50;以不同組別之飼料投餵6週後,增重率分別為79.90±4.96%、97.97±7.87%、100.20±6.71% 與 101.88±5.70%,特殊成長率 (SGR) 分別為1.40±0.01%、1.63±0.02%、1.65±0.01% 與1.67±0.03%,成長效果各項數據均隨著飼料蛋白質含量提升而有上升之趨勢,以折線迴歸求得黃帶瓜子鱲飼料中最適蛋白質添加量約為40%。實驗二以螺旋藻粉取代魚粉做為蛋白質來源,投餵初始體長4.18±0.79 cm、初始體重6.61±0.56 g之黃帶瓜子鱲,觀察對黃帶瓜子鱲成長效果之影響試驗;飼料分為5組,以螺旋藻粉取代魚粉做為蛋白質來源製作飼料,取代量分別為0%、25%、50%、75%、100%,綜合參考前人研究及試驗一結果調整魚粉及螺旋藻粉之用量,使飼料中粗蛋白含量均為40%,組別分別為SP0、SP25、SP50、SP75及SP100。投餵6週後,增重率分別為98.70±6.26%、99.68±2.41%、97.52±1.29%、79.36±6.36%與78.35±5.75%,特殊成長率則分別為1.63±0.01%、1.65±0.02%、1.62±0.02%、1.39±0.02%與1.38±0.01%,統計分析結果顯示SP0、SP25與SP50等3組增重率與特殊成長率均顯著高於較其餘組別,參考統計分析結果,本研究認為黃帶瓜子鱲之飼料中添加螺旋藻粉以取代魚粉之最適取代量可達50%。


This study was divided into two parts. In the 1st trial, we adjusted the levels of protein included in the diets fed to Girella (Girella mezina), then we collected body length and body weight data to determine the level of protein with the best growth performance. In the 2nd trial, which was based on the results of the 1st trial, we used Spirulina powder to replace the fishmeal used in the diets, and then collected body length and body weight data to determine the optimal dosage of spirulina powder.
In the 1st trial, G. mezina juveniles with a mean initial length of 4.16±0.72cm and mean initial weight of 6.51±0.53g were fed one of four diets with different dietary protein levels of 35, 40, 45 and 50% for 6 weeks, and it was found that the growth performances of the CP40, CP45 and CP50 groups were significantly better than that of the CP30 group. The weight gains of the groups were 79.90±4.96%, 97.97±7.87%, 100.20±6.71% and 101.88±5.70%, respectively, and the specific growth rates were 1.40±0.01%, 1.63±0.02%, 1.65±0.01% and 1.67±0.03%, respectively. Considering the costs of the diets and the growth performance results, this study suggests that the best dietary protein level is 40%.
In the 2nd trial, juveniles with a mean initial length of 4.18±0.79cm and mean initial weight of 6.61±0.56 g were fed on the experimental diets for 6 weeks, and it was found that the growth performances of the SP0, SP25 and SP50 groups were significantly better than those of the other groups. The weight gains were 98.70±6.26%, 99.68±2.41%, 97.52±1.29%, 79.36±6.36% and 78.35±5.75%, respectively, and the specific growth rates were 1.63±0.01%, 1.65±0.02%, 1.62±0.02%, 1.39±0.02% and 1.38±0.01%, respectively. According to the results of the statistical analysis, the optimal dosage of spirulina powder is 50%.