
紅線鞭腕蝦 (Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006) 的人工繁殖

  • 出版日期:108-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Artificial Propagation of Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006)
  • 作者:城振誠‧吳玉霞‧王崧華‧吳鍺湘‧陳彥愷‧謝恆毅
  • 作者auther(英):Chen-Cheng Cheng, Yu-Hsia Wu, Song-Hua Wang, Che-Hsiang Wu, Yan-Kia Chen and Hernyi Justin Hsieh
  • 卷別:27
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:55-62

為建立紅線鞭腕蝦 (Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006) 人工繁殖技術,本試驗探討種蝦頭胸甲長與蝦苗孵化數量、時間與水溫的關係以及不同溫度、鹽度、餌料密度及餵食時機對初期蝦苗 (蚤狀幼體第一期至第四期) 成長與活存的影響,並延續餌料密度試驗,探討其對蝦苗變態的影響。結果顯示,種蝦頭胸甲長 (CL) 和蝦苗孵化數量 (Nlarva) 之關係式為:Nlarva=0.528CL3.8559。蝦苗孵化時間與水溫呈負相關,孵化積溫為293.4 ± 34.5度天。在水溫27 ± 1℃ 的環境下,初期蝦苗的餌料密度以豐年蝦無節幼蟲0.5、1、2及4隻/ml對孵化後6天的蝦苗有較佳活存率及成長;延遲投餌對蝦苗活存率及成長有不利的影響。溫度方面,蝦苗在18、21、24及27℃ 的水溫環境下有較佳的活存率,而成長則以27、30及33℃ 較佳。鹽度方面,蝦苗在24、29、34及39 psu的鹽度下有較佳的活存率及成長。本研究顯示,紅線鞭腕蝦蝦苗最適培育溫度與鹽度分別為27℃、34 psu,孵化後立即餵食2–4隻/ml豐年蝦,可以在孵化後36–104天變態為底棲性的後期蝦苗。


This study investigated the artificial propagation of peppermint shrimp (Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006) by exploring the relationships among carapace length, number of larvae, different feeding concentrations, starvation, salinity and temperature on the growth and survival of the shrimp. The relationship between the number of hatched larvae (Nlarva) and carapace length (CL) of broodstock was expressed as the regression equation Nlarva = 0.528CL3.8559. The period from spawning to hatching was negatively correlated with water temperature, and the accumulated hatching temperature was 293.4 ± 34.5 degree-days. Larvae fed with the nauplii of Artemia spp. at 0.5-4/ml had better survival rate and growth at 6 dph (days posthatch). In terms of salinity, the survival rate and growth were better in salinities ranging from 24-39 psu. The survival rate and growth were decreased, however, in larvae that were not fed immediately after being hatched. Furthermore, better survival rates were obtained for larvae raised at temperatures of 18, 21, 24 and 27℃, while better growth rates were obtained for larvae raised at temperatures of 27,30 and 33℃. Overall, the best survival rate and growth were obtained for larvae raised at 27℃, 34 psu, and fed with the nauplii of Artemia spp. at 2- 4/ml. The larvae developed into postlarvae at 36-104 dph.