

  • 出版日期:82-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Juvenile Penaeus penicillatus in Each Stage
  • 作者:林世榮, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Lin, S. J. and Y. Y. Tin
  • 卷別:1
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:55-65

不同階段之紅尾蝦 (Penaeus penicillatus) 幼蝦,於鹽度 30~32 ppt,pH 7.1 ~8.5 與水溫 25~27.5℃下,以靜止換水方式,暴露於不同濃度重金屬中,探討汞、 銅、鎘與鋅對紅尾蝦幼蝦急性毒性之影響,以及各期幼蝦對各種重金屬之忍受度。汞、 銅、鎘與鋅對紅尾蝦幼蝦各階段之24小時之LC50 分別為 0.14、3.26、3.40 與 4.25 mg/L,其毒性依序為 Hg > Cu > Cd > Zn。而48小時之LC50分別為 0.06、2.20、1.90 與 2.09 mg/L,則其毒性依序為Hg > Cd > Zn > Cu。各期之幼蝦對重金屬之忍受度, 因重金屬種類及發育期而不同,即幼蝦對銅與鎘之耐性隨幼蝦日數增加而增加,但對汞 與鋅之耐性則呈負相關性.


The tolerance of red-tail shrimp juveniles, Penaeus penicillatus, to heavy metal toxicity was examined by exposing the juveniles at various developmental stages to varying concentrations of mercury, copper, cadmium and zinc in 30~32 ppt seawater (pH 7.1~8.5) at 25~27℃. The static renewal method was used for daily water exchange. The results indicated that LC50-24 h of Hg, Cu, Cd and Zn was 0.14, 3.26, 3.40 and 4.25 mg/L, respectively. The order of the toxicity was Hg > Cu > Cd > Zn. LC50 of Hg, Cu, Cd and Zn at 48 h was 0.06, 2.20, 1.90 and 2.09 mg/L, respectively, and the order of toxicity was found to be Hg > Cd > Zn > Cu. The toxicity tolerance of shrimp juveniles to the heavy metals varied with developmental stages; the tolerance to copper and cadmium increased as the development proceeded, while that to mercury and zinc declined as the shrimp developed.