

  • 出版日期:82-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Changes in Freshness of Hard Clam, Meretrix lusoria, during Storage
  • 作者: 陳聰松, 馮貢國, 藍惠玲, 潘泰安
  • 作者auther(英):Chen, T. S., K. K. Feng, H. L. Lan and T. A. Pan
  • 卷別:1
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:81-87

剛自池中採收的養殖文蛤在15 ppt 海水中吐砂二小時後,在 30℃中貯藏可保鮮60 小時,貯藏於25℃ 則可保鮮 96小時,超過這些時間貝肉會變黑和發臭。冷藏可延長文 蛤貯藏期限,在5℃中貯存可保鮮22天,若貯藏於 0℃,則可保鮮32天,超過也會發生 變黑發臭現象。凍結貯藏可長期保存文蛤的鮮度,貯藏於 -10℃ 30天、-20℃ 80天文 蛤的鮮度都很好,而貯藏於 -30℃ 90天內鮮度都無明顯變化,而且無論貯藏於 -10、 -20或 -30℃ 90天文蛤都沒有變黑發臭現象,但是除 -30℃外,貝肉的VBN和K值都有明 顯增加的趨勢,尤其 - 10℃ 增加最快。當文蛤鮮度降低時 VBN 和 K 值都會增加,但 是這兩個鮮度指標的初期腐敗臨界值差異很大,因為文蛤貯藏於不同溫度下,K 值變化 的速率各有不同,且無相同的初期腐敗臨界值,然而無論貯藏在何種試驗溫度,VBN的 初期腐敗值都一樣,當 VBN≧10 mg%時即表示已經初期腐敗。


The freshness of hard clams stored at 30 and 25℃ can be maintained for 60 and 96 h, respectively. Its meat will turn black on reaching initial putrefaction, and off-odor will be noticed beyond these storage periods. The shelf life of hard clam was extended by cold storage, being 22 and 32 days when stored at 5 and 0℃, respectively; however, blackening and initial putrefaction with off-odor appeared when stored longer. Frozen storage can maintain the freshness of hard clams for a longer period, and its freshness was high when stored at -10 and -20℃ for 30 and 80 days, respectively. There was no obvious change in freshness during storage at -30℃ for 90 days. Neither blackening nor initial putrefaction appeared within 90 days when stored at -30, -20 and -10℃. Except for storage at -30℃, VBN and K value increased clearly and gradually during storage, especially when stored at -10℃. When the freshness of hard clams decreased, both VBN and K value indices increased. The difference between the critical points of these two freshness indices, judged from the initial putrefaction point, was clear. The critical
point of initial putrefaction of K value for hard clams stored at different temperatures changed with different increasing rates. On the contrary, those of VBN maintained the same value at different temperatures of storage, i.e., a level over 10 mg% indicated initial putrefaction.