

  • 出版日期:83-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Simple Discussions on Relationships between the Vessel Tonnage, the Kind of Bait Used and the Atlantic Albacore CPUE
  • 作者:張水鍇 許建宗
  • 作者auther(英):Chang, S. K. and C. C. Hsu
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:7-18

漁獲統計資料是進行漁業資源評估的基礎資料,但由這些資料計算出來的單位努力 漁獲量(資源豐度指標),很容易受不穩定的漁業因子所影響而產生變異。為能將統計 資料合適地應用於資源評估,應該儘可能地將那些因子辨識出來。本報告對台灣的大西 洋長鰭鮪延繩釣漁獲資料,提出並討論兩個常被遺漏的因子:船噸級別及使用餌料種類 。從研究結果中發現,這兩個因子與大西洋長鰭鮪之單位努力漁獲量的變化有明顯的關 連:船噸級愈大,單位努力漁獲量愈低;使用秋刀魚當餌料的比例愈高,單位努力漁獲 量愈高。而且這些關連都與台灣延繩釣漁船的標的魚種移轉(從長鰭鮪移轉至大目鮪或 黃鰭鮪)有關。因此本報告建議,除非標的魚種因子的影響已經事先被考慮過,不然該 漁業的原始漁獲統計資料在應用於評估之前,應先根據這兩個因子作校正。


Catch statistics of commercial fishery are essential materials for fish stock assessment. However, the catch per unit effort (CPUE) estimated from the materials is subject to variations introduced from the non-static fisheries factors. These factors should be thoroughly recognized before the raw material could be properly used in the assessment. The present paper dealt with two commonly ignored factors occurred in the catch statistics of Taiwanese Atlantic albacore longline fishery: vessel tonnage and the kind of bait used. These two factors were found from the study to have obvious relationships with the Atlantic albacore CPUE: vessels with higher tonnage had lower albacore CPUE, and higher percentage of saury bait used might obtain higher albacore CPUE. Their effects were regarding to the shifting of target species of the fishery. Therefore, it is suggested that adjustments for the two factors should be made to the nominal statistics before the statistics being used in the assessment; unless the target species effect has somewhat been taken into account.