

  • 出版日期:83-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Desalting and Recovery of Taste Compounds from Salted Sardines and Shrimp Stickwaters by Membrane Electrodialysis
  • 作者:陳再發, 高雪卿, 藍惠玲, 邱思魁
  • 作者auther(英):Chen, T. F., S. C. Kao, H. L. Lan and T. K. Chiou
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:57-68

仔、鱙仔、丁香及圓煮液與厚殼蝦煮液之一般化學組成並無明顯的差異,魚 煮液的呈味成分含量較低,以牛磺酸、組胺酸及IMP為主,而蝦煮液之呈味成分含量明 顯較高,主成分包括精胺酸、牛磺酸、組胺酸、丙胺酸、脯胺酸、IMP及AMP。含10%食 鹽之圓及蝦之煮液,經AC-110透析膜 (MW100以下) 及AC-220透析膜(MW300以下) 在 5mA/ cm2 電流密度下分別透析處理150及100 min,有很好的脫鹽及去除揮發性鹽基態 氮等腥臭物質的效果,脫鹽率達99.6%以上,揮發性鹽基態氮之去除率在81.8%以上。 AC-110透析膜之孔徑較小,使用電壓較高,脫鹽速率較慢,能量消耗較高,但對於游離 胺基酸及核酸成分的損失率較 AC-220 膜低。


There was no significant difference in proximate composition between the sardines and shrimp stickwaters, but the content of taste compounds in the shrimp stickwater was considerably higher than those in the stickwaters of sardines. The major taste compounds in the stickwaters of sardines were taurine, histidine and IMP, while glycine, arginine, taurine, histidine, alanine, proline, IMP and AMP in shrimp stickwater. The salted stickwaters of round herring and shrimp were used for desalting by using electrodialysis. A AC- 110 (MW<100) and AC-220 (MW<300) membrane with different pore size was conducted at 5 mA/cm2 of current density for 150 and 100 minutes, respectively. It was found that less than 1 % of salt and less than 20% of VBN substances was retained for all the treatments. The loss of free amins acids and ATP- related compounds was lower in AC-110 than in AC-220. However, the treatment of AC-110 took longer processing time and needed more energy than that of AC-220.