

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    Movement and Recapture of Black Porgy (Acanthopagrus schlegeli) Released in Northern Waters off Taiwan
  • 作者:吳全橙, 郭慶老
  • 作者auther(英):Wu C. C. and C. L. Kuo
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:1-13

為了解標識放流效果影響的海域範圍,分析1989-1993年放流於台灣北部外木山、 和平島及長潭里等三個放流地點的再捕率和混獲率,並探討標識魚放流後之移動方向、 距離與累積的再捕率。標識方法採以腹鰭切除法及固定標籤法進行,體長大於75 mm者 以固定標籤標識法標識,75 mm以下之魚則採腹鰭切除法。三個地點的再捕率差異很大 ,以和平島之1.42 %最高,次為長潭里之0.20 %,外木山最低僅0.15 %。放流後30天內 的再捕率為51 %,60天之累積再捕率為82 %,90天之累積再捕率為93 %,最長的再捕日 為放流後243日。放流後二週至一個月間,標識魚與天然魚開始有混獲,其混獲率以和 平島最高(70.2 %),次為長潭里 (42.7 %) ,外木山最低 (17.1 %)。90 %的標識魚於 放流地點 4 km 內被捕,最大的移動距離為離放流地點17.2 km處。移動距離與放流地 點有關,放流於灣口內之移動範圍較窄且集中,而灣口域之標識魚則受潮流之影響,移 動範圍較廣。標識魚放流後向四面移動,但以西南 (48 %) 、南 (20 %) 及西 (15 %) 之方向居多。


In order to investigate the movements of tagged black porgy ( Acanthopagrus schlegeli ) after releasing, data of tagging in the northern Taiwan from 1989 to 1993 were analysed. The recapture rate, percentage of recapture in the catch, direction and distance of movement, number of days on recapture, and the accumulative recapture rate were included. Black porgy longer than 75mm were tagged with anchor tags, and smaller ones were marked with ventral fin clip. Recapture rates varied greatly between different areas. The highest recapture rate was 1.42 % found in Hou-Ping-Tao area, followed by 0.20 % in Chang-Tan-Li area, and the lowest was 0.15 % in the Wai-Mo-Shan area. Of the recaptured fish, 51 % were within 30 days after releaseing, 82 % within 60 days, and 93 %within 90 days. The longest period of liberty was 243 days. Most recaptures were found in 15 to 30 days after releasing. The highest recapture rate was 70.2 % for the Hou-Ping-Tao area, 42.7 % for the Chang-Tan-Li area, and the lowest 17.1 % for the Wai-Mo-Shan area. About 90 % of recaptures were within 4km from the release point, and the longest distance was 17.2km. Tagged fish released inside the bay almostly stay in the bay, but those released outside the bay move further away from release point. Tagged fish dispersed all directions, of which 48 % to the south-west, 20 % to the south and 15 % to the westward directions as orientated at the release point.