

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The Anesthetic Effect of 2-Phenoxyethanol in Goldlined Sea Bream (Sparus sarba)
  • 作者:許晉榮, 葉信利, 朱永桐, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Hseu, J. R., S. L.Yeh, Y. T. Chu and Y. Y. Ting
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:41-49

2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE) 對黃錫鯛 (Sparus sarba) 的麻醉誘導時間 (Induction time) 及恢復時間 (Recovery time) 會隨著麻醉分期愈往後期而延長。較 低的2-PE濃度及較大的魚體會造成麻醉誘導時間的延長,但前者會較明顯地縮短恢復時 間。黃錫鯛在第一次麻醉完後,再次麻醉之誘導時間受恢復間隔影響。恢復間隔為0或5 min時,第一次麻醉誘導時間會大於第二次麻醉誘導時間。恢復間隔為30 min,1 h或6 h,第二次麻醉誘導時間大於第一次麻醉誘導時間。恢復24 h後,第一次麻醉誘導時間 與第二次麻醉誘導時間互有大小,且兩時間差距總和亦變小,顯示恢復24 h後,2-PE在 黃錫鯛身上的持續作用已大為減弱。


Responses of goldlined sea bream (Sparus sarba) to the anesthetic 2-phenoxyethanol were investigated. We found that induction time (INT) and recovery time (RET) increased when anesthesia reached to the later stages. INT increased also with lower concentration of 2-PE, while RET had opposite phenomenon. However, larger fish took longer INT, but RET did not show the other way. Different intervals between two anesthesias resulted different INT (INT2) of the second anesthesia in comparison with that of the first INT (INT1). at 0 or 5 minutes of interval, INT2 was shorter than INT1. As opposite to the above findings, INT2 was longer than INT1 at 30 minutes, 1 hour or 6 hours of interval. At 24 hours of interval, half of the anesthetized fish had longer INT2 and the rest of fish had shorter INT2. The results indicated that the anesthetic sensitivity of goldlined sea bream responded to 2-PE would revert after 24 hour's recovery from first anesthesia.