

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    A Primary Study on Growth and Feed Efficiency Ratio of Long-finned Grouper (Epinephelus quoyanus)
  • 作者:陳春暉, 鍾國南
  • 作者auther(英):Chen, C. H. and K. N. Chung
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:51-62

為瞭解玳瑁石斑(Epinephelus quoyanus)之成長情形,試驗將分三部份進行,即 在室內水泥池、室外水泥池及室外土池,分別蓄養33、88及70天之後,計算其日間成長 率(SGR),飼料效率 (FER),肥滿度 (K) 以及變異係數 (CV) 。結果發現,室內水泥池 試驗之SGR 值為 0.472%,其 FER=21.87﹪及 K=13.53。室外水泥池試驗之 SGR 從 0.510﹪降至 0.314﹪,FER 從 21.30﹪降至17.12﹪,肥滿度沒有明顯變化,而 CV 則 逐漸下降。室外土池試驗魚之成長速率差異極大,其 SGR 平均值為 0.839﹪。另外, 本魚種之 SGR 及FER 均低於其他 8 種海水魚,顯示玳瑁石斑成長緩慢,飼料效率亦低 ,在作為養殖對象魚類時應慎重考慮。


In order to understand the growth condition of the long-finned grouper (Epinephelus quoyanus) in differed environments, the study was conducted and three experiments: rearing in indoor concrete ponds, in outdoor concrete ponds and in muddy ponds for 33, 88 and 70 days, respectively. The specific growth rate (SGR), feed efficiency ratio (FER), condition factor (K) and coefficient of variation (CV) were evaluated. The SGR of the fish reared in the indoor concrete ponds was 0.472﹪, while FER=21.87﹪ and K=13.53. Fish reared in the outdoor concrete ponds had the SGR decreased from 0.510﹪ to 0.314﹪ and the FER from 21.30% to 17.12% during the course of 88 days experiment. Condition factor showed no significant variation. Average SGR of the fish reared in muddy ponds was 0.839﹪. Three results indicate that the SGR and the FER of the long-finned grouper are less than those of other 8 spieces of seawater fishes in culture.