

  • 出版日期:83-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The Changes of Hematological Parameters During Sustained Anesthesia with 2-Phenoxyethanol in Yellowfin Porgy (Acanthopagrus latus)
  • 作者:許晉榮, 葉信利, 朱永桐, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Hseu, J. R., S. L. Yeh., Y. T. Chu and Y. Y.
  • 卷別:2
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:63-68

同時將對照組與置於100 ppm 2-phenoxyethanol (麻醉組) 之黃鰭鯛,在麻醉0, 1, 6, 12, 24 h及恢復24 h採樣。在大部份時間,麻醉組的平均血容積比及血紅素值均 低於對照組,而又以麻醉24 h的差異最明顯。兩組的二項數值均在麻醉12 h達到最低點 ,然後逐漸恢復至接近0 h值。各時間點的血糖值,兩組則是互有高低,其中,麻醉6 h ,麻醉組值顯著高於對照組。又,兩組值自0 h下降後,在恢復24 h達到最低點不再回 復。由上述結果顯示,長時間浸潤在2-phenoxyethanol中,採樣時間與麻醉劑都會對黃 鰭鯛血液學指數有所影響。


Yellowfin porgy (Acanthopagrus latus) was sustained anesthetized with 2-phenoxyethanol, and sampled at 0, 1, 6, 12, 24 h during anesthesia and 24 h after recovery. We found that sampling time and anesthetic do really affect the values of hematological parameters. Most time, the control group had higher average values of hematocrit and hemoglobin than the anesthesia group, but the difference between two groups was not significant except in hematocrit at 24 h during anesthesia. Both sets of values of two groups reached the least level at 12 h, and gradually recovered to starting point. As to serum glucose, the anesthesia group had higher average values than the control group from 1 to 12 h during anesthesia, however, the difference between two groups was significant only at 6 h. The values of serum glucose in the anesthesia as well as the control group decreased from starting point, and never recovered even after 24 h recovering.