

  • 出版日期:85-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    On Three Species of Commercially Important Sergestid Shrimps (Decapoda : Sergestidae) in the Coastal Waters of Taiwan
  • 作者:李定安, 吳世宏, 廖一久, 游祥平
  • 作者auther(英):Lee, D. A., S. H. Wu, I C. Liao and H. P. Yu
  • 卷別:4
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-19

櫻蝦屬(Sergia)為棲息於海洋表、中層至深層水域的中小型蝦類,全世界已採獲並見於文獻記錄者有30種。本文主要根據台灣省水產試驗所「海功號」、「海鴻號」及「水試一號」試驗船自1987年至1996年間,於臺灣週邊水域所採捕的櫻蝦類標本,就其中具有高度經濟價值而且業已形成地方性沿岸漁業對象種的三種:正櫻蝦 Sergia lucens (Hansen, 1922)﹑日本櫻蝦 Sergia talismani (Barnard, 1947) 及赤櫻蝦 Sergia prehensilis (Bate, 1881)﹐詳述並繪圖比較其形態特徵與其生態特性。正櫻蝦為近岸性大型浮游動物,生活在鹽度較低的河口及沿岸水域;赤櫻蝦及日本櫻蝦則為廣鹽性種類,兼屬近岸性及大洋性浮游動物,其地理分布及垂直分布範圍遠大於正櫻蝦。本文所述之三種櫻蝦係永久性大型浮游動物 (Holo-macrozooplankton),終其一生均在水中游動,而有明顯的晝夜垂直或斜行洄游行為。


Three species of the sergestid shrimps , namely Sergia lucens (Hansen, 1922), S. talismani (Barnard, 1947) and S. prehensilis (Bate, 1881), are described inthis paper. S. prehensilis and S. talismani are new records for Taiwan watersand South China Sea, while S. lucens has long been an important objective species of inshore macrozooplankton fishery in the Tungkang area. These species inhabited in almost the same area, but at different depths: S. lucens in the epipelagic layer, S. talismani in the upper mesopelagic, and S. prehensilis in the lower, and even bathypelagic layers. Diurnal vertical migration occurred for all species: upward migration for feeding in the night and downward in the day.