

  • 出版日期:85-06-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The Anesthetic Effect of 2-phenoxyethanol in Juvenile Grouper Epinephelus coioides
  • 作者:葉信利, 許晉榮, 朱永桐, 丁雲源
  • 作者auther(英):Yeh, S. L., J. R. Hseu, Y. T. Chu and Y. Y.
  • 卷別:4
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:55-61

不同濃度的2-phenoxyethanol對石斑苗的麻醉,不論大小型石斑苗,麻醉誘導時間皆隨著濃度增加有下降的趨勢,但麻醉誘導時間下降至濃度700 ppm即達飽和,且與濃度為800ppm之組無顯著差異。在200 ppm時,大小型石斑苗 70% 都無法在30分內達到尾部完全停止擺動。小型石斑苗恢復時間以濃度為300 ppm組的時間較長,且與各濃度組間有顯著差異;大型石斑苗則以濃度為400 ppm組的時間最長。24小時毒性實驗結果發現,小型石斑苗在濃度為100 ppm以上開始死亡,大型石斑苗則在150 ppm以上才有死亡現象發生,兩者的半致死濃度 (LC50) 分別為 185 及 232 ppm。石斑苗暴露於空氣中之死亡以小型石斑苗最嚴重,在空氣中15 分鐘後,死亡率已達 50%,而大型石斑苗暴露 20-30 分鐘之死亡率約30%。


anesthetic induction time of 2-phenoxyethanol to juvenile grouper Epinephelus coioides decreased when the concentration of 2-PE becomes high fromthe range 300 to 700 ppm. The recovery time of small size grouper was thelongest at 300 ppm of 2-PE concentration, and 400 ppm in large size grouper. Wecalculated three application concentrations in juvenile grouper for 2-PEtreated. There included the optimal anesthetic concentration was 400 ppm in bothsize groupers. Twenty-four hour's sedative concentrations was 100 and 150 ppm,and 24 h LC50 were 185 and 232 ppm of small size and large size grouper. Themortality of S-2PE grouper is begin over 50% when directly exposed to air in 15minutes. The large size grouper (L-2PE) all below 30 % in 20-30 minutes airexposed. In each size control grouper, their mortality is all below 10% during30 minutes exposed to air.