
體長對點帶石斑 Epinephelus coioides 殘食之影響

  • 出版日期:85-12-01
  • 標題title(英):
    The Effect of Body Length on Cannibalism in Grouper Epinephelus coioides
  • 作者:葉信利, 陳炯宏, 朱永桐, 許晉榮, 丁雲源, 莫顯
  • 作者auther(英): Yeh, S. L., J. H. Chen, Y. T. Chu, J. R. Hse
  • 卷別:4
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:134-150

石斑魚的培育過程中,經常發生殘食 (Cannibalism) 現象,即石斑魚互相吞食的情形,易造成育苗上很大損失。為瞭解石斑魚的殘食行為,乃以點帶石斑Epinephelu scoioides為材料,進行體長差異實驗,來探討因魚體大小對石斑魚殘食性之影響。經由結果發現,體長 (全長) 6公分以下的魚苗,較容易發生殘食。在沒有體長差異的實驗組中,體長由26.19 mm至57.89 mm間,只有一組發生殘食現象,其殘食率為0.022。在有體長差異的實驗組裡,有一組體長相差4.13 mm,沒有發生殘食現象,其餘體長有差異的各組均有殘食現象發生。發生殘食行為,其捕食者體長(x)跟被捕食者體長(y)的關係為 y=23.65 Ln(x) - 59.99,r=0.912,沒有發生殘食行為時則為 y= 24.71Ln(x) - 60.54,r=0.926。殘食機率值(p)的關係則為單位為mm,e=2.7182,而且體長差異大,殘食機率值有增高之趨勢。同時,顯示捕食者與被捕食者間是否發生殘食行為與兩者之間體長差距有相對的關係。


Cannibalism often happens in culture procedure of groupers' fries. They areease eat up each other to increase costs of aquaculture. In order to understandhow cannibalistic behavior effect on groupers, we try to study the effect ofbody length on cannibalistic rate in grouper Epinephelus coioides. The resultwas found that the fish body length less than 6 cm had more tendencies oncannibalism.
Cannibalistic rates of grouper tests less 0.022 were no body lengthdifferences between predator and prey. In different distance experiments of bodylength cannibalistic rate, only one test was zero and the other tests more than0.2 were varied distance between predator's and prey's length. Relationshipbetween body lengths of predator (x) and prey (y) for cannibalistic behaviorwere y=23.65 Ln (x) - 59.99 r=0.912, and no cannibalistic behavior y= 24.71 Ln(x) - 60.54 r=0.926 in body length equation was also calculated.
The relationship of cannibalistic probability predict (p) between predator(x) and prey (y) body length in grouper equation were calculated: , and bodylength unit was mm, e=2.7182. It showed that whether cannibalism happens or notdepended upon the body length of predator and prey.