

  • 出版日期:104-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Temora turbinata in the Waters of the Tanshui River Estuary
  • 作者:Yang-Chi Lan, Kuo-Chiang Liu, Chi-Tien Lee, Chi-Lun Wu and Ming-An Lee
  • 作者auther(英):藍揚麒‧劉國強‧李季恬‧吳繼倫‧李明安
  • 卷別:23
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:11-21

本研究調查 2010 ~ 2012 年期間,錐形寬水蚤 (Temora turbinata) 於淡水河河口海域之時空分布特性。調查期間海域之海水表面溫度介於 17.6 ~ 28.9 ℃ 之間,夏季最高,冬季最低;鹽度變化介於 32.2 ~ 34.4 psu 之間,且春季最高,夏季為最低。2012 年聖嬰年期間,春夏季海域之平均溫度與鹽度異於 2010 與 2011 年同期之調查結果,推測與該年春夏期間降雨量激增及 2012 年春季時高溫高鹽的臺灣海峽暖水異常強勢有關。本研究調查期間錐形寬水蚤均分布於各測站,其豐度介於 0.1 ~ 89,563 ind./m3之間,且大量出現於每年的夏季 (平均為 262 ~ 6,768 ind./m3) 及 2012年春季期間 (7,530.7 ind./m3),最適溫度與鹽度分別介於 24.9 ~ 28.7 ℃ 與 32.7 ~ 33.5 psu 之間。錐形寬水蚤大量出現於各年夏季及 2012 年春季之原因可能為:(1) 原棲息於該海域之族群因春夏期間溫度升高有利其生存而大量繁衍;(2) 部份個體隨臺灣海峽暖水流經本研究海域而加入。


This study surveyed the spatial and temporal distribution of Temora turbinata in the waters of the Tanshui River estuary. The sea surface temperature and salinity ranged from 17.6 to 28.9 ℃ (highest in summer and lowest in winter) and from 32.2 to 34.4 psu (highest in spring and lowest in summer), respectively. The sea surface temperature and salinity ranges in the spring and summer of 2012, an El Niño year, were different than they were during the same seasons in 2010 and 2011. These results suggested that increasing rainfall and the introduction of water from the Taiwan Strait caused the temperature and salinity to increase in the spring of 2012. T. turbinata were distributed throughout all sampling stations checked during the study period, with the abundance varying from 0.1-89563 ind./m3, and blooms occurring in the summer (262-6768 ind./m3) of each year and in the spring of 2012 (7530.7 ind./m3). The optimal temperature and salinity ranged from 24.9 to 28.7 ℃ and from 32.7 to 33.5 psu, respectively. Two causes for the T. turbinata blooming seasons were identified: (1) the higher temperatures in the spring and summer were advantageous to the proliferation of local T. turbinata and (2) recruitment from the Taiwan Strait current.