

  • 出版日期:105-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Air Exposure and Low Temperature on Hematological Parameters and Gene Expressions of Three Heat Shock Proteins in Orange-spotted Grouper, Epinephelus coioides
  • 作者:許晉榮‧林冠宏‧蔡志明
  • 作者auther(英):Jinn-Rong Hseu, Guan-Horog Lin and Jyh-Ming Tsai
  • 卷別:24
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:25-34

本研究旨在調查空氣暴露及低溫緊迫對點帶石斑魚 (Epinephelus coioides) 血液學指標以及肝與頭腎三種熱休克蛋白基因 (hsp60、70、90) 表現的影響。12 min 的空氣暴露會造成石斑魚血漿中鹼性磷酸酶活性下降,且回到水中 24 hr 後都尚未恢復,並與對照組有顯著差異。空氣暴露誘導頭腎 hsp60 基因表現上升,但回到水中 24 hr 後,此誘導效應即結束,反而表現量低於起始值。魚在低溫實驗中,先由 29 C 被降溫到 20 C,再持續降溫至 14 C,在起始、20 C、14 C 及回溫後一天採樣。結果顯示,14 C 的低溫緊迫會使得魚血糖升高。此外,低溫緊迫誘導頭腎的 hsp60 基因表現,且表現一直上升,最高值甚至出現在恢復溫度一天後。因此 熱休克蛋白 HSP60 可作為某些緊迫環境下合適的指標。


We investigated the effects of air exposure and low temperature on the hematological parameters and gene expressions of heat shock proteins (HSP60, HSP70, and HSP90) in the liver and head kidney of orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Air exposure for 12 minutes resulted in a decrease of alkaline phosphatase activity in plasma, which was not recovered after 24 hours after putting back into water and was significantly different from that in the control group. Air exposure induced an increase in hsp60 gene expression in the head kidney. However, this induction effect stopped after 24 hours back into water and the level of expression was lower than the initial value. In the low temperature experiment, the temperature was reduced from 29C to 20C and then to 14C. The fish were sampled at the initial temperature, 20C, 14C, and one day after the temperature returned to normal. The results showed that low temperature (14C) increased plasma glucose concentration. The gene expression of hsp60 in the head kidney was induced by low temperature and continuously increased, reaching a peak after one day of normal temperature. It is suggested that gene expression of hsp60 could be an indicator for stress.