

  • 出版日期:106-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    The Population Dynamics of the Snail Cerithium zonatum in an Intertidal Zone of Green Island
  • 作者:張致銜‧劉莉蓮
  • 作者auther(英):Chih-Hsien Chang and Li-Lian Liu
  • 卷別:25
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:27-36

項鍊蟹守螺 (Cerithium zonatum) 在綠島石朗潮間帶為優勢物種,本研究探討石朗地區項鍊蟹守螺的族群動態。結果顯示,項鍊蟹守螺在海草床、岩礁與沙地三種潮間帶微棲地中,以岩礁棲地的密度最高 (7,529 ± 3,969 ind./m2) (p < 0.001),其次為海草床族群 (3,456 ± 1,195 ind./m2),而以沙地的平均密度最低 (1,842 ± 1,289 ind./m2);不同微棲地族群的平均體長也有顯著差異 (p < 0 .001),海草床族群有較大的平均體長為7.28 ± 2.61 mm,而沙地為7.15 ± 2.03 mm,岩礁的族群平均體長最小為5.20 ± 2.81 mm。藉由瞭解項鍊蟹守螺基礎生態學,期望未來進一步評估本種作為綠島潮間帶生態環境穩定性指標物種之可行性。


Cerithium zonatum is a dominant species in the intertidal zone around Shi-Lang, Green Island. This study sought to characterize the population dynamics of C. zonatum in this area. The results indicated that the density of C. zonatum was the highest in rocky habitats (7,529 ± 3969 ind./m2), followed by the density in the seagrass bed (3,456 ± 1195 ind./m2) and the density in sand habitats (1,842 ± 1289 ind./m2). Individuals from the different microhabitats were also significantly different in shell length (p < 0.01); specifically, the mean length was 7.28 ± 2.61 mm for snails from the seagrass bed, 7.15 ± 2.03 mm for snails from the sand habitats, and 5.20 ± 2.81 mm for snails from the rocky habitats. In order to evaluate the potential of using C. zonatum as an indicator species of the intertidal in the Green Island, further study of C. zonatum’s basic ecology should be undertaken.