

  • 出版日期:106-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Different Feeds on Growth of Anguilla bicolor pacifica
  • 作者:林天生•黃德威
  • 作者auther(英):Tain-Sheng Lin and Der-Uei Huang
  • 卷別:25
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:35-42

本試驗旨在探討太平洋雙色鰻 (Anguilla bicolor pacifica) 鰻苗的初期餌料,以及浮料與粉料對幼鰻成長與活存率的影響,以期建立太平洋雙色鰻養殖技術。在 30±0.5℃水溫中,分別投餵自製膏狀飼料、市售冷凍赤蟲 (搖尾蚊 Chironomus dorsalis 幼蟲)、冷凍赤蟲和粉料混合、粉料等四種不同餌料,經飼育 8 週後,膏狀飼料組的增重率及飼料效率均最高,分別為 927% 及 22.1%,顯著高於冷凍赤蟲、冷凍赤蟲與粉料混合及粉料組。活存率則以冷凍赤蟲組較高,與膏狀飼料、冷凍赤蟲和粉料混合組無顯著差異,但明顯高於粉料組;以膏狀飼料飼養,已可完全取代近年來使用冷凍赤蟲作為初期的馴餌方式。幼鰻分別投餵市售浮料與粉料,在水泥池經 3 個月飼育後,增重率及飼料效率,均以浮料組的 266% 及 87% 較高,且明顯高於粉料組的 204% 及 52%;但活存率則二組之間沒有明顯差異。肥滿度與體組成的粗脂肪方面,雖以浮料組較高,卻差異並不顯著。氨與亞硝酸濃度都以粉料組較高,但氨沒有顯著差異,而亞硝酸在投餵 4 小時後則開始有顯著差異。以飼料效率而言,幼鰻養殖投餵浮料,較省人力與成本,且水質較容易管理,可減少換水量。


In this study, experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of various feeds on the growth of elvers and juvenile eels (Anguilla bicolor pacifica). In the initial trial period, four types of feed, namely, paste feed, powder feed, frozen mosquito (Chironomus dorsalis) larvae, and powder feed mixed with frozen mosquito larvae, were fed to the elvers at a water temperature of 30 ± 0.5℃. After a rearing period of eight weeks, the elvers fed with the paste feed had the highest percentages of weight gain (927%) and feed efficiency (22.1%), with those percentages being significantly higher than those of the elvers fed with the other feeds. In addition, the group fed with frozen mosquito larvae had a significantly higher survival rate than the group fed with powder feed, although the larvae-fed group’s survival rate was not significantly different from those of the groups fed with paste feed and powder feed mixed with frozen mosquito larvae. The results showed that the paste feed can totally replace the frozen mosquito larvae during the initial period of elver rearing.
A three-month experiment to determine the growth of juvenile eels fed with floating pellets and powder feed was also conducted. The group fed with floating pellets had significantly higher percentages of weight gain and feed efficiency (266% and 87%) than the group fed with powder feed (204% and 52%). The group fed with floating pellets also had a higher condition factor with a relatively low moisture content compared to the group fed with powder feed. The ammonia and nitrite levels in the water were higher for the powder-fed group than for the group fed with floating pellets, with the nitrite level for the former group being significantly higher as of four hours after feeding. The results of the present study suggest that feed consisting of floating pellets may result in better feed efficiency and water quality.