

  • 出版日期:107-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Experiments on the Artificial Propagation of Neoglyphidodon melas
  • 作者:鄭明忠‧江玉瑛‧葉怡均‧何源興
  • 作者auther(英):Ming-Chung Cheng, Yu-Ying Jiang, Yi-Chun Yeh and Yuan-Shing Ho
  • 卷別:26
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:47-59

本研究之目的為減少觀賞魚市場持續對野生族群之依賴,而建立黑新刻齒雀鯛 (Neoglyphidodon melas) 之人工繁殖及仔魚培育技術,以提供產業應用。種魚蓄養1–1.5年,體長達12 cm以上,可在人工環境下可自然產卵,受精卵呈淡白色至淡黃色,為長橢圓形且分離之沉性黏著卵;受精卵平均長徑為 1.58 ± 0.06 mm;平均短徑為 0.71 ± 0.02 mm;卵黃長徑為 1.06 ± 0.07 mm;短徑為 0.69 ± 0.03 mm;內有單一油球,油球徑 0.28 ± 0.02 mm (平均長 ± 標準偏差)。在水溫 28 ± 1℃ 時約 106 hr後開始孵化,仔魚孵化全長為 2.86 ± 0.12 mm,初期餌料生物為纖毛蟲 (ciliates)、輪蟲 (Briachionus spp.) 及橈腳類 (copepods),並添加微藻來穩定水質及滋養輪蟲,同時餌料生物之提供應該注意各個餌料必須重疊使用。仔魚在 37.2℃ 熱緊迫下開始出現死亡,至38.5℃ 時試驗組全數死亡;而在15.1℃ 低溫下開始出現死亡,降溫至13.2℃ 時試驗組全數死亡


This study investigated the reproductive behavior and larval culture of Neoglyphidodon melas in artificial environments and the differences in various relevant factors. It was hoped that the results of the study can help to reduce the trade in wild fish in the ornamental fish market in the future. The results showed that the adhesive demersal eggs of the fish are white to yellow in color and ellipsoidal in shape, with a total length of approximately 1.58 ± 0.06 mm (mean ± SD) and a width of approximately 0.71 ± 0.02 mm. The yolks were about 1.06 ± 0.07 mm long and contained several oil droplets with diameters of 0.28 ± 0.02 mm, and the newly hatched larvae were about 2.86 ± 0.12 mm in length. Parental care behaviors for the ovum occurred from spawning to hatching, and our observations indicated that such parental behavior is mainly carried out by males. The incubation period was approximately 106 hr at a water temperature of 28 ± 1℃. The feeds used for the blue devil at initial larvae stage were ciliate, rotifer and copepod. Microalgae was added to stabilize the water quality and nourish the rotifers. The feeds should be given at the same time. Under heat stress experiments, the blue devils started die at 37.2℃, and all the fish were dead by the time the temperature reached 38.5℃. In the low temperature tolerance test, the Neoglyphidodon melas started to die at 15.1℃ and all the fish were dead at 13.2℃.