

  • 出版日期:108-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Effects of Low-Temperature Stress on Plasma Biochemical Parameters of Longtooth Grouper Epinephelus bruneus, Giant Grouper E. lanceolatus and Hybrid Grouper E. bruneus × E. lanceolatus
  • 作者:邱沛盛‧朱永桐‧陳陽德‧黃政軒‧黃建維‧何信緯‧葉信利
  • 作者auther(英):Pei-Sheng Chiu,Yeong-Torng Chu, Yang-Der Chen, Cheng-Hsan Huang, Jian-Wei Huang, Shine-Wei Ho and Shinn-Lih Yeh
  • 卷別:27
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:47-58

本研究探討褐石斑 (longtooth grouper, Epinephelus bruneus)、鞍帶石斑 (giant grouper, E. lanceolatus) 及其雜交子代 (hybrid grouper, E. bruneus×E. lanceolatus) 在低溫緊迫下的血漿生化參數。實驗由水溫26℃開始以每小時降低0.8℃之速率降至15℃並持續暴露24 hr,之後使水溫回復至26℃。分別在暴露前 (26℃, sampling time 1, S1)、降溫至15℃時 (S2)、15℃暴露24 hr後 (S3)、回溫至26℃時 (S4) 及回溫後24 hr (S5) 採樣並分析三種石斑魚的血漿生化參數。結果顯示褐石斑血漿血糖 (GLU) 濃度在低溫暴露24 hr後 (S3) 顯著高於控制組,但溫度回升後24 hr (S5) 即恢復至控制組水平,鞍帶石斑血漿血糖濃度在低溫暴露期間 (S2-S3) 顯著高於控制組,即使回溫後仍持續顯著高於控制組。雜交子代血漿血糖濃度在低溫暴露24 hr後 (S3) 顯著高於控制組,但回溫後24 hr (S5) 即恢復至控制組水平。三種石斑魚血漿中三酸甘油脂 (TRIG) 及膽固醇 (CHOL) 濃度經歷低溫暴露後 (S2-S3) 都顯著升高。GLU、TRIG及CHOL為三種石斑魚面對低溫暴露及後續回溫時,與控制組相比均呈現明顯變化的血漿生化參數,而以GLU變化來看,雜交子代在經歷低溫緊迫時呈現較鞍帶石斑更佳的調節適應能力。


This study investigated the effects of low-temperature stress on the plasma biochemical parameters of longtooth grouper (Epinephelus bruneus), giant grouper (E. lanceolatus) and a hybrid grouper (E. bruneus × E. lanceolatus). In the low-temperature exposure experiment, the temperature was reduced by 0.8℃ per hour from 26℃ to 15℃. The fish plasma was sampled and analyzed at 26℃ (Sampling time 1, S1), 15℃ (S2), 24 hours after exposure to 15℃ (S3), recovery to 26℃ (S4) and 24 hours after recovery to 26℃ (S5), respectively. The results showed that the glucose (GLU) concentration of longtooth grouper was significantly increased at S3 and recovered to the control group level at S5. The GLU concentration of giant grouper at S2-S3 was significantly higher than that in the control group even at recovery to 26℃. The GLU concentration of hybrid grouper was significantly increased at S3 and also recovered to the control group level at S5. The plasma triglyceride (TRIG) and cholesterol (CHOL) concentrations of the three grouper species were all significantly increased during the low-temperature exposure period. The results indicated that the GLU, TRIG and CHOL concentrations of the three grouper species were obviously changed during the low-temperature exposure and recovery periods. Based on the changes in their plasma GLU concentrations, the physiological acclimation ability of the hybrid grouper was higher than that of the giant grouper during the cold stress period.