

  • 出版日期:109-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Captive Breeding, Early Development and Larval Rearing of Kelp Grouper (Epinephelus moara)
  • 作者:邱沛盛‧黃政軒‧蔡惠萍‧朱永桐‧劉于溶‧葉信利
  • 作者auther(英):Pei-Sheng Chiu, Cheng-Hsuan Huang, Hui-Ping Tsai, Yeong-Torng Chu, Yu-Jung Liu and Shinn-Lih Yeh
  • 卷別:28
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:47-60

本研究目的為記錄雲紋石斑魚 (Epinephelus moara) 成功人工繁殖、初期發育及仔稚魚培育之成果。將5尾雌魚埋植混合雄性素藥粒 (1 mg/kg body weight, BW),9個月後有3尾雌魚已性轉變為雄魚並可採集到具活力之精子。注射2次HCG 1,000 IU/kg BW可在72 hr後使雌魚卵徑發育至900–1,000 μm。透過人工授精共獲得135,000粒上浮卵,其中受精率為99.67 ± 0.33%、孵化率為99.00 ± 0.57%。受精卵卵徑為0.91 ± 0.01 mm,為圓形、透明之浮性卵。在水溫23.8 ± 1.2℃條件下,歷經29 hr 28 min孵化。剛孵化仔魚體全長1.77 ± 0.02 mm、肌節數21–22;孵化後第3天仔魚體全長2.90 ± 0.02 mm,口部已開啟;孵化後第7天,體全長達3.44 ± 0.07 mm時,背鰭第二硬棘及腹鰭硬棘開始發育;孵化後第21天,體全長達12.95 ± 0.29 mm時,延長的硬棘開始縮短;孵化後第33天,體全長達17.69 ± 0.09 mm時,各鰭條數與成魚相同。仔稚魚體全長成長方程式為Y = 2.08 + 0.18X + 0.01X2,Y代表體全長、X代表孵化後天數,可解釋體全長成長情形的97.5% (R2 = 0.975, n = 244)。仔稚魚培育過程餌料投餵序列依序為牡蠣受精卵、輪蟲及橈足類。


This study aimed to report the successful results of captive breeding, early development, and larval rearing of kelp grouper Epinephelus moara. Five females were implanted with an androgen mixture (1 mg/kg body weight, BW) to induce sex change, and active sperm was obtained from three that transformed into males after nine months. The ova size of females was increased to 900-1,000 μm at 72 hr after two HCG (1,000 IU/kg BW) injections. A total of 135,000 floating eggs were obtained through artificial insemination, with those eggs having a 99.67 ± 0.33% fertilization rate and 99.00 ± 0.57% hatching rate. The fertilized eggs, with a mean diameter of 0.91 ± 0.01 mm, were spherical, transparent, and buoyant. Embryonic development lasted 29 h 28 min at 23.8 ± 1.2℃. Newly hatched larvae were 1.77 ± 0.02 mm in total length (TL) with 21-22 myomeres. At three days post hatching (dph), the TL was 2.90 ± 0.02 mm, and the mouth opened. At 7 dph, the TL was 3.44 ± 0.07 mm, and the buds of the second dorsal and pelvic fin spines had appeared. At 21 dph, the TL was 12.95 ± 0.29 mm, and the second dorsal and pelvic fin spine lengths had decreased. At 33 dph, the TL was 17.69 ± 0.09 mm, and the fin ray count was that of an adult fish. A statistical model for the growth of the larvae and juveniles is Y = 2.08 + 0.17X + 0.01X2, where Y is the mean TL (mm) and X represents dph, which explained 97.5% of variation in growth (R2 = 0.975, n = 244). The larval rearing feeding scheme used was as follows: fertilized oyster egg, rotifers, and copepods.