

  • 出版日期:109-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Acute Toxicity Evaluation of Pelargonic Acid Technical Material and Commercial Emulsion in Aquatic Animals
  • 作者:郭裔培‧林天生‧楊順德
  • 作者auther(英):I-Pei Kuo, Tain-Sheng Lin and Shuenn-Der Yang
  • 卷別:28
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:61-68

壬酸為自然界存在的脂肪酸,具有低生物毒性和半衰期短的優點,農業上作為非選擇性除草劑,能穿透角質層臘,並在光照下產生過氧化物,造成雜草快速的枯萎。目前壬酸對我國水生環境影響的評估數據不足,本研究探討壬酸原體 (98.5%) 和含有界面活性劑之壬酸乳劑 (80%) 對羅漢魚、尼羅吳郭魚、日本鰻、多齒新米蝦、淡水長臂大蝦和石田螺的半致死濃度,原體 96 hr半致死濃度依序為 121.38、238.93、267.11、313.84、417.29 和 159.65 mg/L;乳劑 96 hr半致死濃度依序為 15.94、31.14、18.24、242.84、178.90 和 51.81 mg/L,乳劑毒性高於原體,且對兩者的耐受性皆以蝦類最高。以半致死濃度的壬酸原體和乳劑處理尼羅吳郭魚 3 hr,可發現魚隻呼吸頻率異常,且鰓絲有明顯的紅腫出血,顯示壬酸會對魚類鰓部造成損傷,影響鰓的呼吸功能造成缺氧死亡。


Pelargonic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid that has the advantages of low biotoxicity and a short half-life. Pelargonic acid is used as non-selective herbicide in agriculture. It can penetrate the wax cuticle of plants and generate peroxide under light, rapidly causing the burn-down effect in weeds. The domestic evaluation data regarding the influence of pelargonic acid on aquatic environments is currently insufficient. This study sought to establish the median lethal concentrations of a pelargonic acid technical material (98.5%) and emulsion (80%) containing surfactant for the species Pseudorasbora parva, Oreochromis niloticus, Anguilla japonica, Neocaridina denticulate, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and Sinotaia quadrata. The 96-hour median lethal concentrations of the pelargonic acid technical material for those species were 121.38, 238.93, 267.11, 313.84, 417.29 and 159.65 mg/L, respectively, while the 96-hour median lethal concentrations of the pelargonic acid emulsion for those species were 15.94, 31.14, 18.24, 242.84, 178.90 and 51.81 mg/L, respectively. The toxicity of the pelargonic acid emulsion was higher than that of the technical material, and the shrimps had the highest tolerance of both the technical material and the emulsion. After O. niloticus was immersed in the pelargonic acid technical material and the emulsion at the median lethal concentrations, an irregular opercular beat frequency and hemorrhaging in the gill filaments were observed. The results indicated that pelargonic acid is irritating to fish gills, and confirmed that pelargonic acid impairs the oxygen uptake of gills and leads to asphyxia mortality.