
斑頭肩鰓䲁 (Omobranchus fasciolatoceps) 的人工繁殖及稚魚直接轉移至不同鹽度之攝食、活存與成長表現

  • 出版日期:110-12-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Artificial Propagation of the Top Hat Blenny (Omobranchus fasciolatoceps) and the Influence of Acute Transfer to Different Salinity Conditions on Feeding, Survival, and Growth Performance of Juveniles
  • 作者:邱沛盛•何信緯•黃政軒•朱永桐•葉信利
  • 作者auther(英):Pei-Sheng Chiu, Shine-Wei Ho, Cheng-Hsuan Huang, Yeong-Torng Chu and Shinn-Lih Yeh
  • 卷別:29
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:31-44

斑頭肩鰓䲁 (Omobranchus fasciolatoceps) 分布於西北太平洋區,棲息於礁區、河口及近海沿岸,是可以適應半鹹水及淡水環境的觀賞魚。本研究首次描述其人工繁殖以及探討直接轉移至不同鹽度環境 (33、16及0 psu) 對稚魚攝食、活存及成長之影響。在人工環境中,於產卵前雄魚會吸引雌魚進入PVC管內產卵,當雌魚產卵完畢後,雄魚立即在卵粒上釋放精液,產卵後,雄魚會獨自護卵直至卵粒孵化。受精卵為圓形、透明的黏性卵,卵徑為0.99 ± 0.01 mm。在水溫29.0–30.5°C條件下,歷經183 hr孵化,孵化時間積溫 (ATUs) 為221.1–232.5。剛孵化仔魚體全長為3.20 ± 0.03 mm,當進入稚魚期時,體全長為11.36 ± 0.48 mm。在60天的實驗中,直接轉移至0 psu環境的稚魚攝食率 (0.3–45.4%) 顯著低於轉移至33 psu (96.5–100.0%) 及16 psu (88.8–99.5%) 的稚魚 (p < 0.05)。從實驗第21天開始,轉移至33 psu之稚魚活存率 (100.0%) 顯著高於轉移至16 psu (97.5%) 及0 psu (77.4 ± 0.6%)的稚魚。在第30天時,轉移至33 psu及16 psu環境之稚魚體全長、體重、日增重、增重百分比及日成長率均顯著高於轉移至0 psu的稚魚 (p < 0.05)。本研究結果有助於發展其他廣鹽性觀賞性䲁科魚類的繁養殖及低鹽度馴化技術。


The top hat blenny, Omobranchus fasciolatoceps (Richardson, 1846), is distributed in the northwest Pacific, and inhabits reefs, estuaries, and coastal waters. It is an ornamental fish and is able to acclimate to brackish and fresh water. For the first time, our study evaluated the effects of captive breeding and juvenile acute transfer to different salinities (33, 16, and 0 psu) on feeding, survival, and growth performance of this species. In captivity, before spawning, the male attracted the female into a PVC pipe. The female then entered and laid eggs, and the male spread sperm on the eggs. After spawning, the female left, and the male guarded and cared for the egg clutches until hatching. The fertilized eggs, with a mean diameter of 0.99 ± 0.01 mm, were adhesive, demersal, spherical, and transparent. Embryonic development lasted 183 hr at 29.0–30.5 °C, and the accumulated thermal units were 221.1–232.5. Newly hatched larvae (3.20 ± 0.03 mm in total length [TL]) transformed into the juvenile stage completely when TL was 11.36 ± 0.48 mm. Over a period of 60 experimental days, the feeding rate (0.3–45.3%) of juveniles acute transferred to freshwater (0 psu) was significantly lower than that of those transferred to 33 psu (96.5–100.0%) and 16 psu (88.8–99.5%). The survival rate (100.0%) of juveniles acute transferred to 33 psu was significantly higher than that of those transferred to 16 psu (97.5%) and 0 psu (77.4 ± 0.6%) from 21 days. At 30 days, TL, body weight, daily weight gain, percentage weight gain, and specific growth rate of the juveniles at 33 psu and 16 psu were all significantly higher than at 0 psu. Our results could contribute to the development of captive breeding and low-salinity acclimatization technologies for other euryhaline ornamental blennies.