

  • 出版日期:100-12-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Effect of Calcination Temperature on the Crystal Structure of Shell
  • 作者:范繼中‧藍惠玲‧楊涵婷‧吳純衡
  • 作者auther(英):Chi-Chung Fan, Huei-Ling Lan, Han-Ting Yang and Chwen-Herng Wu
  • 卷別:19
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:93-101

以掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察牡蠣殼粉煅燒處理前後,其表面微細結構之變化,結果發現煅燒溫度在700 ~ 800℃之間,其表面微細結構開始產生改變,結構由平面轉變成團絮狀,並隨煅燒溫度增高,其表面微細結構間的孔隙密度明顯增加,至煅燒900℃ 以上表面微細結構不再產生變化。將煅燒後的殼粉以X-ray粉末繞射儀掃描分析,結果顯示牡犡殼為方解石結晶構型的碳酸鈣,在800℃的處理條件下,牡犡殼中主要成分的碳酸鈣開始轉化為氧化鈣,另外,在通入氮氣的操作條件下,可明顯提高氧化鈣的轉化率。比較蜆、文蛤及牡蠣殼三種貝殼殼粉煅燒後結晶構型的差異性,發現牡蠣殼粉在未煅燒時即為方解石的結構,其他兩者必需在400℃以上煅燒後才會轉變為方解石的結構。基於方解石結構的特性,以殼粉的結晶結構、pH及氧化還原電位為指標,篩選出文蛤殼於400℃煅燒、牡蠣殼於500℃煅燒,可供作為生物材料研究之處理條件參考。


Observing by scanning electron microscope, the flat surface of calcined oyster shell began to change into fluffy one at 700℃. The pore density on surface increased obviously with the increasing calcination temperature but did not change anymore when the temperature was over 900℃. The X-ray diffractometer analysis showed that the powder of calcined oyster shell consisted of calcium carbonate in the calcite crystal structure. When calcination temperature increased to 800℃, the calcium carbonate changed into calcium oxide. The transformation ratio could be increased when nitrogen gas was added during the calcination. In comparison of the crystal structures of three kinds of calcined shell powder made from Corbicula fluminea, Meretrix lusoria and Crassostrea gigas, only the oyster shell powder appeared the calcite crystal structure before calcination. The other two shell powder transformated into calcite crystal structure when the calcination temperature reached 400℃. Furthermore, we found that the calcination temperature at 400℃ and 500℃ for Meretrix lusoria and Crassostrea gigas shells, respectively, could get the optimal study condition for biomaterials research which was determined by the indicators of their crystal structure, pH value and oxidation reduction potential.