

  • 出版日期:101-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Population Genetic Structure of Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) Elvers Intra-annually Caught from Taiwan Estuaries
  • 作者:張格銓‧黃瀛生‧張湧泉‧劉富光
  • 作者auther(英):Ke-Chuan Chang, Ying-Sheng Huang, Yuon-Chuan Chang and Fu-Guang Liu
  • 卷別:20
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:51-59

本試驗針對同一繁殖年度內 (2008年12月~ 2009年2月),於台灣地區北部、中部及南部3個不同河口採樣的日本鰻 (Anguilla japonica) 鰻線,以5個微衛星DNA基因座之等位基因分布情況,分析18組樣本之遺傳變異與遺傳結構 (genetic structure)。
結果顯示每個基因座在全部18組均有多型性現象,其中AJMS-2基因座的變異範圍最大,等位基因有16 ~ 25個,AJMS-3變異範圍最小,等位基因僅4 ~ 7個。不同組別在5個微衛星基因座所產生的平均等位基因數量差異不大,在13.0 ~ 16.0之間。期望異型合子比例 (He) 為0.581 ~ 0.944。
十八組鰻線彼此間的遺傳分化指數 (fixation index, FST) 均相當低 (≦0.0089),均無顯著性差異 (p > 0.0003);而且整體之FST值為0.0006,亦無顯著性差異 (p = 0.418),顯示其族群間之分化 (genetic differentiation) 程度非常低,為隨機交配 (panmixia) 之族群。


Elvers of intra-annual cohort of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) were sampled from northern, central, and southern estuaries of Taiwan in between December 2008 and February 2009, and examined for the population genetic structure by means of microsatellite analysis.
All of the microsatellite loci were variable among 18 sample sets. Among them, AJMS-2 loci was more variable with 16 ~ 25 alleles; but AJMS-3 loci was less variable with 4 ~ 7 alleles. The average numbers of alleles for the 5 loci were scattered in a small range of 13.0 ~ 16.0, and the expected heterozygositywas 0.581 ~ 0.944.
All values of pairwise FST for the 18 samples were low (≦0.0089), and non-significant (p > 0.0003), and the overall genetic differentiation was also very low and non-significant (FST = 0.0006, p = 0.418). This suggested that Japanese eel in Taiwan is a panmixic population.