

  • 出版日期:102-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    Growth, Mortality, and Recruitment of Aristeus virilis in the Northeastern Waters off Taiwan
  • 作者:陳威克‧莊世昌‧吳全橙‧吳繼倫‧劉光明
  • 作者auther(英):Wei-Ke Chen, Shih-Chang Chuang, Chuan-Chen Wu, Chi-Lun Wu and Kwang-Ming Liu
  • 卷別:21
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:15-24

本研究於2010年1 ~ 9月,按月前往宜蘭縣大溪魚市場隨機採集雄壯鬚蝦Aristeus virilis (Bate, 1881) 樣本,共計2,260尾,利用月別體長頻度資料及ELEFAN方法,估算其季節性成長參數、死亡率、開發率及加入模式等。雌雄別季節性von Bertalanffy growth equation (VBGE) 成長參數估計如下,雌性:極限體長L∞=7.25 cm (頭胸甲長),成長參數K=0.39 yr-1,季節性震盪幅度參數C=0.8,冬季低迷點WP=0.2;雄性:極限體長L∞=5.04 cm,成長參數K=0.44 yr-1,季節性震盪幅度參數C=0.8,冬季低迷點WP=0.2。利用體長組成漁獲物曲線,估計雌雄別全死亡率 (Z) 分別為1.17 yr-1及1.23 yr-1;利用生活史模式估計自然死亡率 (M) 為0.42 ~ 0.65 yr-1;雌雄別漁獲死亡率 (F) 分別為0.52 ~ 0.75 yr-1及0.58 ~ 0.81 yr-1;開發率 (E) 則分別為0.44 ~ 0.64及0.47 ~ 0.66。加入模式經分析結果顯示,雄壯鬚蝦每年有兩次加入群進入。


A total of 2,260 specimens of Aristeus virilis were collected monthly at the Daishi fish market in I-lan from January to September 2010. Seasonal growth parameters, mortality, exploitation rate, and recruitment pattern of this species were estimated from the length-frequency data with ELEFAN. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation with seasonal fluctuations were estimated as follows: asymptotic length (L∞) = 7.25 cm (carapace length), growth coefficient (K) = 0.39 yr-1, amplitude of growth oscillation (C) = 0.8, winter point (WP) = 0.2, and L∞ = 5.04 cm, K = 0.44 yr-1, C = 0.8, WP = 0.2 for females and males, respectively. The total mortalities (Z) estimated by using the length-converted catch curve were 1.17 yr-1 and 1.23 yr-1 for females and males, respectively. The natural mortality (M) estimated from life history models was 0.42-0.65 yr-1. The fishing mortalities (F) were 0.52-0.75 yr-1 and 0.58-0.81 for females and males, respectively. The exploitation rates (E) for females and males were 0.44-0.67 and 0.47-0.66, respectively. The recruitment pattern suggested that recruitment occurs twice a year.