

  • 出版日期:102-12-31
  • 標題title(英):
    DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny of the Commercially Valuable Groupers Epinephelus (Perciformes: Serranidae) Based on Mitochondrial COI DNA Sequence
  • 作者:陳高松‧謝恆毅‧黃閔裕‧馬嘉欣‧蕭聖代
  • 作者auther(英):Kao-Sung Chen, Hernyi J. Hsieh, Min-Yu Huang, Kayan Ma and Sheng-Tai Hsiao
  • 卷別:21
  • 期別:2
  • 頁碼:41-55

石斑魚屬在分類上屬於鮨科、石斑魚亞科,全世界約有100餘種分布於三個主要洋區。本研究於2012年間於台灣及澳洲共計採集33種石斑魚屬 (Genus Epinephelus) 的石斑魚,利用粒線體COI基因序列資料進行魚種鑑定、遺傳距離計算,及利用neighbor-joining (NJ) 方法與 maximum parsimony (MP) 方法建構分子親緣關係樹,藉以探討本屬內各魚種之關係。研究結果顯示以密點石斑 (E. chlorostigma) 與寶石石斑 (E. areolatus) 的演化距離最近 (0.004),吻斑石斑 (E. spilotoceps) 與玳瑁石斑 (E. quoyanus) 的演化距離最遠 (0.209)。分子親緣關係樹主要分成兩群,具網狀斑紋 (Reticulated grouper) 的中小體型種類為一群,龍膽石斑等中大型體型種類為一群。這些結果與傳統型態分類結果相似,顯示粒線體COI基因除了作為生命條碼的遺傳標誌外,亦能應用於探討這些高經濟性石斑魚種的親緣演化關係。


The genus Epinephelus, which belongs to the family Serranidae, and the subfamily Epinephelinae, comprises about 100 species in all three major oceans. In this study, totally 33 Epinephelus species were collected in Taiwan, Australia and the West Pacific during January-December, 2012. The genetic data of the mitochondrial DNA COI gene were applied to investigate the evolutionary divergence (K2P). Furthermore, the phylogenetic tree of the neighbor-joining (NJ) method and the maximum parsimony (MP) method were also constructed. The results of evolutionary divergence revealed that E. chlorostigma and E. areolatus exhibited the minimum distance (0.004), while E. spilotoceps and E. quoyanus exhibited the maximum distance (0.210). According to the results of the phylogenetic tree, the genus Epinephelus had the following two clades, one contained mostly small- to medium-size “reticulated” groupers; while the other contained medium- to large-size groupers, such as E. lanceolatus. These results were similar to the traditional morphometric classification. These results revealed that mitochondrial COI gene is not only an effective “DNA barcoding” marker for species identification, but also a widely accepted marker for investigate the phylogenetic relationship among these commercially valuable groupers.