

  • 出版日期:105-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Artificial Propagation of Sexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor amboinensis de Man, 1888)
  • 作者:城振誠‧王崧華‧陳彥愷‧林金榮
  • 作者auther(英):Chen-Cheng Cheng, Sung-Hua Wang, Yen-Kai Chen and Kim-Jung Lin
  • 卷別:24
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:83-90

安波托蝦 (Thor amboinensis) 是一種小型的海水觀賞蝦,為了建立其人工繁殖技術,本試驗探討種蝦體型與孵化蝦苗數量的關係和餌料密度、餵食時機及溫度對初期蝦苗成長及活存的影響。結果孵化蝦苗數量 (Nlarvae) 和雌蝦頭胸甲長 (CL) 之關係式為Nlarvae = 0.47CL5.0328。初期蝦苗的餌料密度以豐年蝦無節幼蟲0.5 ~ 2隻∕ml有較佳活存率及成長;孵化後即刻投餵餌料,對於蝦苗之活存率及成長較佳。溫度方面,蝦苗在27及30℃的水溫環境下有較佳的活存率及成長。蝦苗自卵孵化至變態為後期蝦苗的時間大部分介於26 ~ 45天,最快為24天。


This study investigated the artificial propagation of Sexy Anemone Shrimp (Thor amboinensis). The relationship between carapace length and the number of larvae was investigated, as were the effects of different types of diets, feeding concentrations, feeding opportune time and temperatures on growth and survival. The relationship between the number of hatched larvae (Nlarvae) and carapace length (CL) was expressed by the following regression equation: Nlarvae = 0.47 × CL5.0328. Larvae fed with the nauplius of Artemia salina at 0.5-2/ml had better survival and growth rates at 10 dph (days post-hatch). Survival and growth rates were decreased when the larvae were not fed instantly after being hatched. Better survival and growth rates were obtained at 27 and 30℃. Some larvae had developed into postlarvae by 24 dph, but most of the larvae developed into postlarvae from 26-45 dph.