

  • 出版日期:106-06-30
  • 標題title(英):
    Reproduction Ecology of the Red Bigeye, Priacanthus macracanthus, in the Waters of Southwestern Taiwan
  • 作者:翁進興‧黃建智‧吳春基‧劉光明‧吳龍靜
  • 作者auther(英):Jinn-Shing Weng, Jian-Zhi Huang, Chuen-Chi Wu, Kwang-Ming Liu and Long-Jin Wu
  • 卷別:25
  • 期別:1
  • 頁碼:1-13

大棘大眼鯛 (Priacanthus macracanthus) 係臺灣西南海域拖網漁業之主要經濟性漁獲魚種之一,周年均可漁獲。本研究於2011年1月至2012年1月採集由拖網船捕撈之標本1,656尾,性比為42.0% (雌魚)。雌雄合併之體長與體重之關係式為BW = 1.5×10-5FL3.026 (R2 = 0.936,n = 1,656,p<0.01)。生殖期間,卵徑達0.5 mm,生殖腺已發育至成熟狀態,達0.7 mm即呈透明卵 (水卵)。主要產卵期為1 - 7月,產卵盛期為2 - 4及7月,屬於生殖期長且一年產卵1次之型態。平均孕卵數為433,235 ± 278,533粒,平均產卵數為91,763 ± 89,705粒,卵巢內卵粒成熟率0.9 - 54.6%,平均成熟率約為14.8%;相對孕卵數為115 - 6,190粒,平均為2,187粒,相對孕卵數與尾叉長無顯著關係。成熟比率與體長之關係,雌雄分別為Pr = 1/(1+e16.39-0.076FL) (R2 = 0.98, n = 695),Pr = 1/(1+e12.31-0.056FL) (R2 = 0.97, n = 961)。雌雄魚之50% 性成熟體長分別為214.6 mm、219.8 mm,而兩者之絕對性成熟體長均為290.0 mm。臺灣西南海域大棘大眼鯛之產卵場主要分布於高雄至東港、小琉球東南方,水深100 - 250 m之海域,在3、7月於東港、小琉球西南方及枋山等外海均有採集到大棘大眼鯛之仔稚魚,顯示該海域可能為其孵育場。


The red bigeye, Priacanthus macracanthus, is one of the major commercial fish species for trawl fisheries in southwestern Taiwan. In this study, its reproduction ecology was described based on 1,656 specimens collected between January 2011 and January 2012 caught by small trawlers. The sex ratio (% female) of 42.0% was significantly different from 50%, and among the females, those with a fork length greater than 240 mm were predominant. The relationship between body weight (BW) and fork length (FL) was estimated as BW=1.5×10-5FL3.026 (R2=0.936,n=1,656,p<0.01) for the sex-combined data. Oocytes were mature when they attained a diameter of 0.5 mm or larger, and the eggs were transparent when they attained a diameter of 0.7 mm. The red bigeye fish reproduce once a year with an extended spawning season that lasts nearly year round. Specifically, the spawning period extended from January to July with a peak from February to April and July. The average fecundity of the species was 433,235 ± 278,533, with a mean batch fecundity of 91,763 ± 89,705. The ovarian egg maturation rate ranged from 0.9 to 54.6%, with an average maturation rate of approximately 14.8%, and the relative fecundity ranged from 115 to 6,190 (mean 2,187) per gram body weight. The relationship between the proportion of maturity (Pr) in each length interval and fork length was estimated to be Pr=1/(1+e16.39-0.076FL) (R2=0.98, n=695) for females and Pr=1/(1+e12.31-0.056FL) (R2=0.97, n=961) for males. The size at 50% of full maturity was estimated to be 214.6 mm FL for females and 219.8 mm FL for males. The 100% mature size was 290.0 mm FL for both males and females. The spawning ground of the red bigeye was located in the coastal waters from Kaohsiung to Tungkang and in the southeastern waters of Shiao-Liu-Chiu island at water depths of 100 to 150 meters. The waters of Tungkang, southwestern Shiao-Liu-Chiu island, and Fangshan were likely to be the nursery ground for red bigeye because the larvae were collected in these waters from March to July.