

  • 來函日期:93-11-24
  • 類別:水產加工

1.根據研究,飼料中含過量之histamine,主要導致雞隻砂囊之潰瘍 (gizzard erosion),至於魚或蝦類攝食高histamine含量之飼料,主要呈現成長緩慢或厭食 (吃後吐出) 之現象,甲魚則未見相關之研究,隨函附加相關之資料,請參考。
2.就魚粉本身,依商業等級區分其histamine之含量,以鯖、沙丁等為原料所製造之魚粉規格如附表所示:特優魚粉之histamine含量為500 ppm,一般約在1000-2500 ppm。

1.Denis Ricque-Marie, Ma. Isabel Abdo-de La Parra, L. Elizabeth Cruz-Suarez, Gerard Cuzon, Marc Cousin, Aquacop and Ian H. Pike (1998) Raw material freshness, a quality criterion for fish meal fed to shrimp. Aquaculture, 165: 95-109.
2.Johannes Opstvedt, Harald Mundheim, Einar Nygard, H. Aase and Ian H. Pike (2000) Reduced growth and feed consumption of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fed fish meal made from stale fish is not due to increased content of biogenic amines. Aquaculture, 188: 323-337.