

  • 日期:104-03-10
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.1-水-A2(7)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:何源興
  • 研究人員:吳雅琪、李沛珊、陳冠如、陳文義、鄭明忠、施勝中、吳 瑞賢、黃梓倫、陳鏗元

一、 石斑魚種原培育與種苗生產:已完成3種石斑種原之收集保存分別為鞍帶石斑20尾、點帶石斑35尾及棕點石斑45尾,共計100尾。點帶石斑由本年2月初開始產卵,利用魚卵收集網收集截至11月12日為止產出196.3公斤的石斑魚卵。而鞍帶石斑(♂)與棕點石斑(♀)之雜交分別於6月、8月及10月進行;棕點石斑(♀)使用賀爾蒙HCG 350 IU/kg及LHRH-A 25〜35 µg/kg 注射而鞍帶石斑(♂)則減半注射,總計產出4kg受精卵並與產業合作生產5萬尾1吋龍虎苗。
三、貝類及其他生物繁養殖技術研發:本年度計畫收購台灣本地生產之優良九孔及鮑魚種原共1,000粒以上,並且分別飼育於本中心室內培育池,作為保種與未來育種之用。在經過至少六個月以上的馴養過程後,所收集的鮑魚及九孔種貝其平均死亡率皆低於8%;在外觀形質(如殼長與殼寬)、重量與成長速度上,均呈現穩定成長,而且生殖巢的變化皆屬正常發育,飽滿程度均超過50%;於繁殖旺季進行4次的人工繁殖實驗,得到產出的平均卵子數目(>104/ml)、精子數目(>106/ml)、精子活力 (>94%)、受精率(>82%)、孵化率(>76%)、畸形率(<12%)等數據,再經過附苗過程與一個半月的培育後,各組的九孔稚貝活存率皆超過88%,但比較室內外培育池之培育結果發現,室外培育池夏季水溫過高(>30℃)且光照過強致絲藻繁生,使幼苗無法存活;藉由收集相關試驗數據,本年度已建立了利用室內人工培育池培育九孔及鮑魚種貝之系統,有利於日後種貝繁殖及夏季水溫過高使種貝或幼苗產生大量死亡等問題,建立使用室內人工設施繁養殖九孔及鮑魚之基本資料供日後業者進行合作或生產的參考。
四、冷水性魚類種原培育與種苗生產:冷水性魚類種源與種苗的培育:利用水溫調控可順利誘發條石鯛種魚產卵,條石鯛已可完全養殖;牙鮃:自韓國進口種苗後在所內進行檢疫並待穩定後進行養殖密度試驗,其密度分別為 50、100、150 尾/m2,經14週的試驗後發現在密度100尾/m2的環境下其成長較佳,其體重增重率為 655.39 ± 75.01 %、SGR 為 2.08 ± 0.10 %、在 FCR 方面為 0.86 ± 0.13。
六、大型藻類種原收集與培育:本研究針對緣管滸苔與鋸齒麒麟菜進行收集、培育、量產、產品開發等相關技術研究,其促使海藻產業能快速發展。目前緣管滸苔與鋸齒麒麟菜皆可培育及量產。試驗結果發現緣管滸苔在20℃,5000lux光照下,深層海水添加MSW-Ⅲ組別有最優的增重率達 73.75%;在不同營養鹽比例試驗中,不論是添加銨鹽或磷酸鹽在添加量為1µM下皆有較高的成長率達71.43或58.82%。在鋸齒麒麟菜培育試驗中發現,最適培育條件為25℃、10000lux及純深層海水,其增重率可達28.75%。在基礎營養成分探討方面,每100公克緣管滸苔及鋸齒麒麟菜分別包含88.8或86.5公克水分,13或14大卡的熱量,1.8或2.3公克的蛋白質,0.1或0公克的總脂肪,2.6或6.0公克的總碳水化合物,1.3或4.7公克的膳食纖維及903或591毫克的鈉且皆不含糖、反式及飽和脂肪。在藻類產品研發方面,開發出緣管滸苔的冰淇淋、霜淇淋、乾燥綠藻粉及鹽漬海藻。未來應再多方培育不同藻類,開發更多的產品,並使其能商品化,以利海藻產業發展。


一、石斑魚種原培育與種苗生產:Completed three kinds of grouper species were collected preservation of the original giant grouper 20 giant groupers(E. lanceolatus)、35 orange-spotted groupers (E. coioides)and 45 tiger groupers(Epinephelus fuscoguttatus), totaling 100. Orange-spotted grouper spawning by early February this year, the use of eggs collection network to collect ending November 12 outputs 196.3 kg grouper fertilized eggs. The giant grouper (♂) hybridized with tiger grouper (♀) in June, August and October respectively ; Tiger grouper (♀) using the hormone HCG 350 IU / kg and LHRH-A 25~35 μg / kg injection and giant grouper (♂) is halved injection, total output 4kg fertilized eggs and in cooperation with industrial production produced 50,000 hybrids
二、鮪魚種原培育:In this study we implementation completion 3 experiments, first we investigate and improve the transport carriage mode to transport the tuna fish. In this experiment we transport 53 tuna, during the transportation, mortality was 0. After 3 weeks in our breeding ponds, mortality rate was 7.5%, which was the best survival rate in 6 times of transportation. Therefore prove that transport carriage mode was effective.The 2nd experiment was to measure the growth factors of the tuna fish in our artificial ponds, to see if the breeding model was effective. We use the underwater photographic equipment to measure the growth factors, monthly. The average body length we collect was of 74.59 ± 12.32cm; 81.18 ± 9.43cm; 84.91 ± 4.38cmand 93.43 ± 14.53cm in 4 months.The 3rd experiment was using the milkfish and squid mixed saury to feed the tuna, and compare the growth factors. Same as the 2nd experiment, we use the underwater photographic equipment to measure the growth factors, monthly. Milkfish Group: initial body length was 39.6 ± 4.54cm; the measurements were 42.85 ± 3.96cm, 45.51 ± 3.11cm and 54.68 ± 8.41cm, respectively.Squid mixed saury Group: initial body length was 30.2 ± 1.75cm; the measurements were 37.37 ± 1.69cm, 51.07 ± 8.8cm and 55.09 ± 7.87cm, respectively.
三、貝類及其他生物繁養殖技術研發:In this study we collected more than 1,000 mature abalones. After selection and inbreeding for at least six months, we found those abalones that show no significant differences in shell length, shell width, body weight and growth rate. We also found that the reproductive glands in male and female abalone was well development and ready for experiment. According to our experimental designs, we collect and compared with fertilization rate, hatching rate, and abnormal rate. The growth factors, including shell length, shell width, body weight and survival rate were also measured. We found that there were no significant differences in fertilization rate(>82%), hatching rate(>76%), and abnormal rate(<12%) after artificial reproduction. The survival rate was over 88% during 6 months, respectively. These data were measured from over 3, 000 individuals at juvenile and young stages in abalone development. In conclusion, the culture of small abalone by using artificial facility was established in this experiment, it can solve the problem of inbreeding with bad environment situation. We also collected the growth data base of the larva of the small abalone cultivating.
四、冷水性魚類種原培育與種苗生產:Cultivation of cold water fish provenances and seedlings: the use of temperature regulation may well induce Oplegnathus fasciatus species of fish spawning, Oplegnathus fasciatus been can be completely farmed. Paralichthys olivaceus: Since Korea imported seedlings were quarantined at EMBRC and stocking densities. After steady test, the densities were 50,100,150 tail / m2, after 14 weeks of the trial found that in density 100 / m2 of its growth environment better, its weight gain rate was 655.39 ± 75.01%, SGR was 2.08 ± 0.10%, and FCR was 0.86 ± 0.13.
五、種鰻培育:Japanese eels is an important economic species of east Asia. Asupply of elvers for aquaculture farm is completely dependent on wild catchof glass eels. However , natural sources of glass eels have declined rapidly in recentyears. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a method for seed production of eel elvers that is not dependent on wild catch.This study was designed to investigate whether use of deep seawater stocking the Japanese eel could help the eel gonadal development. This year, probably because of the impact of the disease or others factors caused eels low fatness. But in male eels, after 3-4 times of injection parts of eels gonad can develop to maturity. It is possible, using deep seawater (or higher salinity seawater) to culture eel may promote eel gonads development.
六、大型藻類種原收集與培育:In this study, with Ulva linza and Eucheuma serra collect, cultivate, mass production, product development and other related technology research to make seaweed industry can develop rapidly. Currently both macroalgae cultivation and production ready. Test results showed Ulva linza at 20 ℃, 5000lux light, deep waters add MSW-Ⅲ constituency optimal weight gain rate of 73.75% .The proportion of nutrients in different trials, either add ammonium salt or phosphate dosage 1μM at a higher growth rate of 71.43 or 58.82%.In Eucheuma serra cultivation experiments, the optimum cultivation conditions for 25 ℃, 10000lux and pure deep sea water, its growth rate up to 28.75%. In exploring aspects of basic nutrients:Per 100 grams of Ulva linza or Eucheuma serra contain 88.8 or 86.5 grams of water, 13 or 14 calories, 1.8 or 2.3 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of total fat or 0, 2.6 or 6.0 grams of total carbohydrates , 1.3 or 4.7 grams of dietary fiber and 903 or 591 milligrams of sodium and neither sugar, trans and saturated fats. In algae product development, the development of ice cream, ,dried algae powder and salted seaweed. Future should be different algae cultivation, develop more products and to enable commercialization, in order to facilitate the development of the seaweed industry.
七、餌料生物種原收集與培育:The use of this kind of original branch library Taitung surface water and Hualien deep water seek Isochrysis of sodium dihydrogen phosphate, urea, ferric chloride and salinity of the optimum concentration of absorbance growth results: sodium dihydrogen phosphate in deep water 30PPM, 14.6 times the best and surface water 0PPM, 10.2 times the worst; urea in deep water 30PPM, 7.8 times the best and surface water 0PPM, 1.8 times the worst; ferric chloride in deep water 2PPM, 16.1 times the best and the surface water 0PPM, 3.75 times the worst; salinity in the deep water 35psu, 26.1 times the best and the deep water and surface water 0psu, because the osmotic effects of a rupture so that is added to the original algae grow exponentially to zero times.
八、龍蝦種原收集與培育:Lobster is an expensive aquatic. The number of Lobster is getting less because the large quantity captured from the wild. Therefore, it is necessary to conserve this species. This research studies the four kinds of lobster from the waters of Taiwan and conservation of them. Develop appropriate lobster bait to grow clams (back shell ratio of 7% to 36%) is the best, saury, white-bellied trevally and South squid is Second growth effects of grouper feed pellets worst. Average water temperature record lobster rearing ponds change (23.0 ℃ ~ 29.3 ℃) and four kinds of lobster mortality (0.4% ~ 26.3%), the relationship is not significant. Future should try and pond water turbidity mortality relationship.
九、水產加工產品:Agricultural products has been completed in eastern wine products (such as lily flower, Buddha, etc.) process research, technology transfer two kinds of deep sea fish processing applications products.
十、SPF設施改善工程(第二期):Completed projects related to the planning, has handled the first tender, the results of bids is expected to be completed before the end of November will be tender.