

  • 日期:104-03-10
  • 計畫編號:103農科-11.3.3-水-A1(7)
  • 年度:2014
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:曾福生
  • 研究人員:杜金蓮、謝立偉、王姿文

為了選育提昇吳郭魚的耐鹽性及最佳的養殖效果,選取選育的耐鹽紅色吳郭魚TsR n品系和海水吳郭魚(Oreochromis Spilurus)TFS品系,進行配對自交及雜交,在正反交兩個組合中:(1) 正交(TsRn♀×TFS♂)幾乎沒有後代,受精卵不能孵化。 (2) 反交(TFS♀×TsRn♂ ) F1 可順產出,且對鹽度的適應等同TFS。對不同配對組合的後代進行海水馴化,隨著鹽度梯度從5psu開始,以4種鹽度5、15、15及30 psu,每週逐漸升高10 psu至全海水,在馴化期間TsRn活存率達36.21 % (174/480),TFS 86.47 % (805/931)、反交(TFS♀×TsRn♂ ) F1 83.19 % (952/1145),再經三個月的全海水養成,TsRn活存率達74.03 % (129/174),TFS 93.77 % (755/805)、反交(TFS♀×TsRn♂ ) F1 92.28 % (878/952),其中耐鹽性活存率以反交(TFS♀×TsRn♂ )的增加率最為明顯幾乎等同於TFS,結果顯示耐鹽性受海水吳郭魚(Oreochromis Spilurus)有決定性的影響,具有物種差異性。


In order to select a good breed both with ideal culture performance and high salinity tolerance, taking Taiwanese red tilapia TsRn line Oreochromis spp and TFS line Oreochromis Spilurus as control groups, two reciprocal hybrids, TsRn♀×TFS♂ and TFS♀×TsRn♂ as trial groups. The major results were: (1) TsRn♀×TFS♂, this mating can produce fertilized egg but couldn’t hatch out. (2) F1 breeding from TFS♀×TsRn♂ can adapt to show a better salinity tolerance, as the same Oreochromis Spilurus. Comparison were conducted under 4 salinities (5, 15, 15, 30) acclimating progressively to rise 10 salinity from salinities 5 to sea increasing every week, after swimming fry for high salinity tolerance study . In the period of acclimated salinity, the survival rates of TsRn F3 was 36.21 % (174/480), 86.47 % (805/931) in TFS, and 83.19 % (952/1145) in F1 produced from TFS♀×TsRn♂. All survival fishes after acclimated salinity were reared to adult for 3 month, comparison to survival rates of salinity tolerance between TsRn, TFS and F1 produced from TFS♀×TsRn♂, the survival rate of salinity tolerance was 74.03 % (129/174) in TsRn, 93.77 % (755/805) in TFS and 92.28 % (878/952) in F1 produced from TFS♀×TsRn♂. This suggests that the traits of survival rate of salinity tolerance were significantly raised by the Oreochromis Spilurus.