

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.2.3-水-A1(4)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發領域
  • 主持人:嚴國維
  • 研究人員:潘佳怡、王友慈、鄭學淵

近年海洋漁業面臨全球氣候變遷、海洋生態環境惡化及漁業資源銳減等多重衝擊 ,使得臺灣的漁業經營環境愈顯嚴峻。氣候變遷造成造成魚群分布的改變,亦直接 影響了魚群洄游的路徑與時間,造成漁場的改變甚至消失,對漁業資源造成深遠的 影響,而海水溫鹽等水團特性則是影響漁場、漁期變動的關鍵因子。為掌握握氣候 變遷架構下之漁海況變動情形,許多先進國家已致力於海洋環境資料庫之建置。爰 此,本計畫利用水試二號試驗船及其裝備,按季節別於2018年12月2019年4月及7月 前往臺灣周邊漁場監測漁場環境資訊,除收集及解析環境資訊,並針對臺灣周邊海 域仔稚魚之豐度及時空變動特性進行探討。研究結果顯示,黑潮區域在中層(水下 約400-600公尺)處會出現低鹽度之清晰特徵有助於辨識。黑潮區域的營養鹽僅磷酸 鹽偏低。分析仔稚魚變動特性後也發現,區域之差異,及部分魚種之產卵場或育成 場有往北移動之情形。


In recent years, marine capture fishery in Taiwan was encountering the challenge of climate change, deterioration of the marine environment, and the decline of fishery resources. Climate change leads to rising sea water temperature, with the consequences of changing habitats, alteration of distribution boundary, and changing fishing grounds.  This project to conduct cruises to collect fishing grounds around Taiwan to monitor the environmental information of the fishing grounds. In addition to collecting and analyzing environmental information, the research results show that the Kuroshio area is in the middle layer (about 400-600 meters underwater) Clear features of low salinity will help to identify. After analyzing the changing characteristics of juveniles, it found that the regional differences, and the spawning grounds or feeding grounds of some fish species are similar to the northward movement.