

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-25.2.1-水-A2
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:農業綠能多元發展之整合性關鍵技術研發與推動
  • 主持人:李純慧
  • 研究人員:陳均龍、莊世昌、藍國瑋、吳允暉、潘佳怡、陳人裕、蘇 博堃、江偉全、張景淳、葉信明

臺灣西部海域同時為離岸風電規劃場域及我國沿近海作業漁場,為瞭解離岸風機設 置對海域環境、漁業資源的影響,本年度持續於風機場域所在之臺灣海峽海域進行 海洋環境調查、底拖網試驗及當地漁業資源現況調訪。臺灣西部海域易受季風及海 流影響,沿岸水注入,使得夏季調查期間營養鹽較高。底拖網調查採集到43科物種 ,包含魚類28科、甲殼類11科、頭足類3科及其他分類群1科,且同一測站在不同月 份之採集到的物種大多數不相同,顯示當地海域生物相具季節性變化。建議應持續 長期性蒐集離岸風機設置海域之海域環境、生物相及漁業資源變動資料,以掌握此 海域生態系的變化。


The planning offshore wind power fields locate in the western waters in Taiwan, and it is also the coastal fishing ground. To understand the effects of the marine environment and fishery resources with the installation of the offshore wind turbines. We continued to investigate the marine environmental factors, the bottom trawl study, and the fishery survey this year. The monsoon and current affected the marine environment in the western water of Taiwan. The coastal water carried the rich nutrients during the survey period in summer. We collected 43 families of biology samples, including 28 families of fish, 11 families of crustaceans, 3 families of Cephalopods and 1 family of the other species. The species collected were almost different at the same station in the different voyages. It showed seasonal changes in the biota in Changhua offshore wind farms. It is suggested that we need to collect the data of the marine environment, biology species and fishery resources in the offshore wind farm and understand the variation of the marine ecosystem.