

  • 日期:108-02-10
  • 計畫編號:108農科-3.4.1-水-A1
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:食品科技研發
  • 主持人:葉念慈
  • 研究人員:陳文君、歐秀美、高堂穎、陳柏璇

根據漁業署統計年報顯示,鱸魚及臺灣鯛屬養殖大宗漁獲物,近年因產量過剩,導 致養殖業者面臨產銷失衡困境,考量現代人求速求簡飲食習慣,本計畫以鱸魚及臺 灣鯛研發休閒食品,提高水產品附加價值,結果顯示,其原料符合衛生署公告之冷 凍魚貝類規定標準規定,經試驗不同肉添加比例及膨發基質與轉軸溫度,在轉軸溫 度75℃,水分控制10 %左右,鱸魚膨發品以魚肉:玉米:糙米=25:31.25:43.75,再 添加4 g蝦粉,整體接受度6.2分),鱸魚膨發品膨發率佳,沒黏牙感,酥脆度佳;鯛 魚膨發品以魚肉:玉米:糙米=25:43.75:31.25,再添加4 g蝦粉,整體接受度5.7分 ,臺灣鯛膨發品具軟綿及黏牙感,其總生菌數、大腸桿菌群及大腸桿菌皆符合規定 ,該產品水活性介於0.40~0.47間,水分為6.03 %~7.17 %間,符合常溫流通條件 。目前市售鱸魚或臺灣鯛休閒食品少見,該產品研發可提供外食族多元化選擇休閒 魚產品,有助外食族攝取豐富營養成分。另建立膨發加工技術,更可針對不同族群 客製化各類產品,未來更運用在產銷失衡或價錢低廉之漁獲上,解決大宗漁獲物產 量滯銷問題。


According to the Statistics Annual Report of the Fisheries Agency, sea bass and tilapia are large-scale farmed catches. In recent years, due to excessive production, mariculturist have faced a dilemma in production and sales imbalances. Considering the eating habits of modern people, this reaserch uses sea bass and tilapia to develop leisure food, to increase the added value of aquatic products. The results show that its raw materials meet the standards of frozen fish and shellfish announced by the Department of Health. After testing different meat addition ratios, extrusion matrix and rotation shaft temperature. The temperature of the rotation shaft is 75 °C, the moisture content is about 10%, the ratio of sea bass extrusion product is 25: 31.25: 43.75(fish: corn: brown rice), and the addition of 4 g of shrimp powder is the best (the overall acceptance is 6.2 points). In addition, the sea bass extrusion product has a good swelling rate, no stickiness, and good crispness. The ratio of tilapia extrusion product is 25: 43.75: 31.25(fish: corn: brown rice) , and the addition of 4 g of shrimp flour is the best (the overall acceptance is 5.7 points). The tilapia extrusion product is soft and sticky which has a water activity between 0.40 - 0.47, and a moisture content between 6.03% - 7.17%. Besides, Total bacterial counts, E. coli groups, and E. coli all correspond the rule. The product meets the conditions of normal temperature delivery. Currently, sea bass or tilapia snack foods are rare. The research of this - 1 - 1082380 1. 2. (1) (2) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. product can provide diversified choices of leisure fish products for fastfood junkie, in addition to helping fastfood junkie to absorb rich nutrients and increase the fish consumption of the people. In addition, the extrusion processing technology can customize various products for different groups.  In the future, it will be applied to catches with imbalanced production or low-priced catches to solve the problem of unsalable catch production.