

  • 日期:108-02-12
  • 計畫編號:108農科-9.2.2-水-A1(1)
  • 年度:2019
  • 領域:漁業科技研發
  • 主持人:何珈欣
  • 研究人員:吳龍靜、賴繼昌、黃建智、陳羿惠、黃星翰、陳秋月、張 麗美、吳伊淑、余淑楓、陳郁凱

大棘大眼鯛(Priacanthus macracanthus)長年以來在臺灣西南海域都是重要經濟 魚種之一,不過近年的漁獲量及CPUE明顯下跌,為了解漁獲壓力對於大棘大眼鯛生 殖與成長之影響,本研究利用體長頻度分析比較不同時期之成長參數,結果發現 1997~1998年: k =0.14(yr-1)、 =372 mm,2005~2006年: k =0.18(yr-1)、 =345 mm,2015~2016年: k =0.15(yr-1)、 =353 mm,2018~2019年: k =0.3(yr-1)、 =372 mm。另利用中譯骨判定大棘大眼鯛之年齡成長,採樣期間自2018年10月至2019年 10月,按月至蚵仔寮、彌陀、東港漁市場蒐集樣本,採集雌性360尾、雄性547尾共 計907尾樣本。經判讀分析後得雌雄魚之von Bertalanffy 成長參數,雌性: =336.49 mm, k=0.382(yr- 1)﹔雄性: 391.08 mm, k=0.205(yr- 1);雌雄合併: =392.22 mm k=0.205(yr-1)。經由成長參數結果顯示1997~2016年分三個時期,成長 速度及極限體長並未大幅增減,2018~2019年成長速度有加快的現象且漁獲量下降 ,但性成熟年齡仍為3歲,與過去研究相比未有提前成熟現象,因此目前西南海域大 棘大眼鯛尚未有過度捕撈現象,但未來需持續監測資源狀況才能有效保育資源。


The bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) is one of the commercially important species in southwestern Taiwan waters over the years. However, the catch and CPUE of the bigeye has declined significantly in recent years. In order to understand the fishing impact on reproduction and growth of the bigeye of the bigeye, this study analyzed the lengthfrequency data of different periods for comparing the growth parameters. The results showed 1997-1998: k =0.14(yr-1), =372 mm, 2005-2006: k =0.18(yr-1), =345 mm, 2015-2016: k =0.15(yr-1), =353 mm, and 2018-2019: k =0.3(yr-1), =372 mm. On the other hand, this study used mesopterygoid to estimate age and growth of the bigeye. We sampled the bigeye per month from October 2018 to October 2019 in Zihguan, Mituo and Donggang fish market. Totally 907 bigeye were sampled (male: 547 and female: 360). The von Bertalanffy growth parameters of male and female were estimated as the results: female with =336.49 mm and k=0.382(yr-1), male with 391.08 mm and k=0.205(yr-1) and all samples with =392.22 mm and k=0.205(yr-1). The growth parameter results showed that the growth rate and the  did not increase or decrease significantly in three periods from 1997 to 2016. The growth rate increased and the catch decreased in 2018 to 2019. Compared with previous studies, there is no premature maturity phenomenon. Therefore, over-fishing of the bigeye in southwestern Taiwan waters has not yet occurred.