

  • 日期:107-02-20
  • 計畫編號:107農科-4.4.2-水-A2
  • 年度:2018
  • 領域:國際農業合作
  • 主持人:周爰瑱

鰻魚為高度洄游性魚種,棲息海域與洄游路徑經常跨越各沿海國家經濟海域,就族 群結構與生態習性之探討,是漁業科學研究的一大挑戰。標識放流為探索族群動態 、分佈特徵與漁撈行為對魚群影響研究提供新的研究途徑。本中心進行鰻魚產卵洄 游研究,目前已成功試驗及研發4種之鰻魚標放技術,並成功追蹤日本鰻長達14天 ,但鰻魚族群移動模式參數計算仍在起步階段,學習該技術可進一步了解鰻魚產卵 機制及洄游路徑,以利於進行有效資源評估及制定保育措施。此計畫係由行政院農 業委員會本(107年)年107年10月8至10月21日總計14日赴研究計畫為赴英國 Cefas研習鰻魚族群移動模式參數計算技術。研習內容包括三大部分:第一部分為學 習地理估算誤差校正,並計算移動模式參數以推估最有可能的移動軌跡;第二部分 為將天然標識器應用於族群移動技術;第三部分為學習環境資料分析,並與南安普 斯頓師生交流。研習成果有助於提升本所電子標識器資料運算能力,將有效運用此 技術於後續研究。


Eel is a highly migratory species, whose marine habitats and migratory paths often cross the coastal waters of exclusive economic zones. Investigating the population structure and ecological traits are big challenge for fisheries science. Discharge-flow studies have provided a relatively new way for scientists to explore the population dynamics, distribution and fishing behavior. Our center already developed and tested four external attachment methods for PSATs to eel, and tracked Japanese eel up to two weeks. However, analyzing eel migratory paths and building the stock course model are still in the initial stages. The main purpose of this research is learning statistical analysis of pop-up satellite transmitters with eels in visit Cefas for a period of 14 days from 8 October to 21 for. The lessons include three parts. The first part is learning how to use a model for the geolocation of eel. The second part is learning the skill of applying nature tag for movement research. The third part is knowing more about how oceanographic information applying to migration research and academic exchange with teachers and students in Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton. The lessons could enhance the effectiveness of eel tagging and explore ocean migration of the adult eel. The results of the study will be beneficial for improving the analysis skill for geolocation data form electronic tag, and applying this skill for follow-up research.